L. PEACE, SECURITY, DISCIPLINE AND ELECTION 2012 83. Fellow country women and men, the maintenance of the internal and external security of the Nation is a prime area for my administration in this period leading up to the December elections. It is critical that we provide a safe and secure environment for socio-economic activities to thrive, even as we politic and vote. Life, limb and property must be safe and everyone must feel secure as they go about their business. 84. Peace and security implicates not only the National Security Council, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Interior, it implicates all other ministries. In this regard I am instructing all Ministers to ensure that the security dimensions of their various mandates are addressed forthwith and that in particular they do not affect the conduct of peaceful elections in December. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources must address the security implications of the rising phenomenon of galamseys, multiple sales of lands, and land guards; the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture must work with the National House of Chiefs to address community insecurity arising from chieftaincy and ethnic conflicts; and the Ministry of Interior must work to address the insecurity posed by itinerant herdsmen. Whilst commending the National Peace Council for its efforts at maintaining peace thus far, I will urge them to proactively identity trouble spots ahead of the elections and address any security concerns in those places through dialogue and mediation. I will also soon be joining the National House of Chiefs for a special meeting to have a conversation with them on their vision for a united and prosperous Nation. 85. Fellow country women and men, let us all remember that peace and security is our collective responsibility as Ghanaians. The increasing indiscipline on our roads, which lead to regrettable loss of lives and incapacitation must stop, and law-abiding citizens must not be penalized for following road and safety regulations. I have charged the Inspector-General of Police to publicly outline a plan for the Police to rise up to their responsibilities and enforce existing regulations without fear or favor. 86. We are heading into elections at the end of the year and no doubt there will soon be a resumption of campaigning after the pause following the passing away of President Mills. Let me express my appreciation and that of the widow and family of the late President to all political parties and their leaders for calling off campaign activities and exercising self-restraint after the death of our beloved President. As campaigns resume I want to emphasize the need for all of us to recognize that we are one people, one nation with a common destiny. Our diversity in political views and belonging to different parties should not diminish our passion for the unity of Ghana and for the wellbeing of all Ghanaians. Nor should different views lead us to insult each other on the airwaves and in the various media. The language that we read from Ghanaians in online comments on different news items is often frankly very un-Ghanaian. 87. I am fully committed to moving this country further and further away from the politics of vindictiveness and the winner takes all mentality. The resources of our country are meant to benefit us all not just to benefit people in my party. That is a conviction I have that I will never abandon. If we approach Election 2012 on this basis I am confident that Ghana will be the winner, come December 2012. The elections at the end of the year and the campaign process over the next few months should again project brand Ghana as a shining star in the world. I invite all our political leaders to rally for the nation, Ghana. 88. I will, in the coming weeks, carry this message to our National House of Chiefs, to representatives of religious bodies and all other cleavages that have central roles to play in maintain unity among our people.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 15:48:35 +0000

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