L S D is certainly not for everyone. It can be a very frightening - TopicsExpress


L S D is certainly not for everyone. It can be a very frightening experience i believe for the majority of people and has frequently led to psychosis. However many creative and imaginative artists have described the substance as mind expanding and report that it increased their ability to think outside of the proverbial box resulting in highly original and influental works in all of the arts. Many of these works displayed a sense of interconnectedness. My own experiences exemplified this with a heightened sense of connection and indeed empathy. I am positively aware that that it had a profound effect on my psyche even though the sixties in which i tripped on numerous occassions are long gone. I am sure that it was responsible for giving me insight that i didnt have before as well as enhancing my capacity to let go and to more fully comprehend perhaps paradoxically the principle of non attatchment. When i was being taught meditation many years later, my teacher instinctevely knew that i had indulged because he could see that. It has further enabled me to comprehend abstraction and to look inwards at a deeper level that is not polluted by preconceptions and formula ridden perspectives. I do however find it difficult to relate to people who in this postmodern moment still look at life in simple monastic or dualistic terms rather than prismatically. I find myself today with little or no mannerisms or characteristics to that of any other member of my family of origin. My values, belief systems and attitutudes altered greatly whìch effectively vanquished any social conditioning and i see very little of myself in my children although i have a warm relationship with them. I believe they regard me as being somewhat different. I dont desire or feel that i need to take acid again, in fact in the early sixties it was used to treat some addictions. L S D itself was never considered to be a drug of addiction as was mescaline which Aldous Huxley wrote of in doors of perception. I have no time for materialism and the current preoccupation with consumerism (although i do embrace the latest technologies.) and being deeply empathic almost to the point of clairscentience actually feel pity for those who believe that money will buy them happiness when it quite obviously does not. Its like repeating the same behaviours and expecting different conclusions. Sometimes i do feel quite isolated and occassionally lonely (where is my kindred spirit ?) marchlng to the sound of a different drum but at the end of the day i realise we are all unique individuals most of whom cannot individuate from a society whose values and institutions are anathema to my very being. I am forced to comply and conform to a large extent in order to survive. I consider myself to be a bit of a secular buddhist recognising impermanence and adhering to Michael Foucaults philosophy that everything and everybody is in a constant state of flux. I am not advocating that you all turn on and drop out but as well as getting out of the box get out of your head and allow the ego to dissolve and empathy will emerge as a natural human instinct.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:49:30 +0000

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