L and G, Early notice. I had lunch y’day with the CEO of - TopicsExpress


L and G, Early notice. I had lunch y’day with the CEO of a global seafarers’ welfare NGO: It “provides a personal lifeline for seafarers on board ship and when they step ashore. Our Chaplains – the very lifeblood of our charity – are at the core of our mission and ministry to merchant seafarers. Existing to enrich and enhance the well-being of seafarers by visiting ships in port and providing Seafarers’ Clubs and Welfare Centres, we offer merchant seafarers practical help and welfare, pastoral and spiritual support, financial assistance and family liaison. Ours is a compassionate and caring Christian ministry for merchant seafarers. Their work is demanding, tough and often dangerous. Life away at sea is constantly isolated from normal humanity and is lonely and forbidding. In our ecumenical mission to seafarers we strive to bring humanity to their lives and impart a real sense of belonging. Through service, example and word we seek to make Christ’s love for mankind real for all whom we meet in our work. Our Chaplains visit thousands of ships each year and are often the first to notice when all is not well on board. Reaching out to crew members of all ranks, without distinction for faith, denomination, ethnic background or nationality, our Chaplains extend the hand of Christian friendship, unconditionally greeting seafarers where they meet them”. The NGO will be opening its new regional base here in Singapore in the next 3-4 months. It will cover mainly China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore (but not HK). It will be staffed initially by a Business Development Manager(BDM) who will liaise (and drive fund-raising) between the (UK-based) charity and the shipping related businesses here (i.e. not just ship owners: charterers,insurers, legal companies with major Admiralty Law sections are existing big sponsors). Within 3 years it will also take on 3 admin support staff. All will liaise with the chaplains in various ports in their regional area. They are also hoping/planning to have three Chaplains from churches in Singapore attached to – but not on the books of – the Centre here. The BDM could be any nationality (subject to compliance with SG laws and MOM reg sat all times), the full time admin staff MUST be Singaporean (or maybe PR). All four persons should preferably be “quiet Christians”, inasmuch as they do have faith, but will not be required to evangelise ANYONE, and note that seafarers of ANY religion, faith or belief (including none, atheist, agnostic, Satanist etc.) are ALL made welcome at the drop-in centre. However if they do require Christian fellowship, a Chaplain is available to provide that. The base is obviously likely (but not confirmed) to be within easy seafarer walking distance of the likes of Pasir Panjang, Jurong, or Marina South bumboat ferry terminal etc. NOTE: 1 The NGO is NOT registered here yet. 2 There are NO job descriptions, or terms and conditions available yet. 3 I am NOT personally offering any jobs 4 I am NOT personally involved with any selection procedure. But if anyone IS interested in any of these currently undefined positions I can pass on their details – and the NGO potentially saves itself employment agency fees. Also in offering your skills early, it may be that the job description could/might be written around the right person - but again this is not my call. In England, “the early bird catches the worm” (although of course in China the bird that flies first gets shot down and The nail that sticks out gets hammered down). Gong Xi Fa Cai! Simon
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:05:20 +0000

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