LA CARENZA DI ZINCO E LE SUE CONSEGUENZE La carenza di Zinco - TopicsExpress


LA CARENZA DI ZINCO E LE SUE CONSEGUENZE La carenza di Zinco comune nell80% delle donne e il 40% delle adolescenti aumenta lo stress ossidativo, linfiammazione e il danno al DNA e sono un potenziale richio per malattie del seno e cancro. Studio di Marzo 2014 Paradoxical zinc toxicity and oxidative stress in the mammary gland during marginal dietary zinc deficiency. Bostanci Z1, Mack RP Jr2, Lee S3, Soybel DI4, Kelleher SL5. Author information Abstract Zinc (Zn) regulates numerous cellular functions. Zn deficiency is common in females; ∼80% of women and 40% of adolescent girls consume inadequate Zn. Zn deficiency enhances oxidative stress, inflammation and DNA damage. Oxidative stress and inflammation is associated with breast disease. We hypothesized that Zn deficiency increases oxidative stress in the mammary gland, altering the microenvironment and architecture. Zn accumulated in the mammary glands of Zn deficient mice and this was associated with macrophage infiltration, enhanced oxidative stress and over-expression of estrogen receptor α. Ductal and stromal hypercellularity was associated with aberrant collagen deposition and disorganized e-cadherin. Importantly, these microenvironmental alterations were associated with substantial impairments in ductal expansion and mammary gland development. This is the first study to show that marginal Zn deficiency creates a toxic microenvironment in the mammary gland impairing breast development. These changes are consistent with hallmarks of potential increased risk for breast disease and cancer. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc. Ugeskr Laeger. 2014 Mar 3;176(5). pii: V11120654. [Zinc is the most important trace element.] [Article in Danish] Muhamed PK1, Vadstrup S. Author information Abstract Zinc is one of the most important trace elements. Zinc deficiency is a major health problem worldwide. Causes of zinc deficiency can be nutritional, iatrogenic, genetic or a result of diseases. Severe zinc deficiency results in symptoms like pustular dermatitis, alopecia, weight loss, diarrhoea, infections secondary to immune dysfunction, hypogonadism and problems in ulcer healing. Zinc supplementation is necessary in cases of zincdeficiency, but high doses zinc supplementation through a long time can result in copper deficiency or anaemia. Thus a rational use of zincsupplementation in the required time is necessary. PMID:
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:26:38 +0000

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