LA ILAH HA IL ALLAH WADAHU WAHDAHU WAHDAH! THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ONE! LA ILAH HA LAH ALLAH! MUHAMMAD DAN RASULALLAH! ALLAH U AKBAR! THANKS GREAT PRINCE MICHAEL! I love America and the few freedoms that God has given us in this beautiful country but i would never fellowship with her to oppose my brother from the same family and motherland for political benefit to become an ally at the hinderance of my own brothers and sisters and a killer to destroy their growth,development, and rise, as well as their children and their family. I could never assist in hind...ering my family or any regardless of creed or color from God Almighty Allah and atonement. It breaks my heart that we fight one another for crumbs off the masters table at the expense of our God, selves, family and souls! A house divided against its self cannot stand. Our slave master is united and has taught us well of the success of that, we are divided and no ones to blame but ourselves. FOR THE HYPOCRITES WHO WANT TO DENY THE MAJESTY OF THE HOLY BIBLE AND QURAN AND OTHER DIVINE REVELATION, AS WELL AS THEIR MESSENGERS AND PROPHETS ESPECIALLY IN THIS COUNTRY! JESUS WAS A MAN , MAN IS THE GLORY OF GOD AND GODS VICEGENERATE AND KHALIFAH ON EARTH!ALLAH MADE MAN IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS AND ENTRUSTED HIM WITH DIVINE ATTRIBUTES OF HIM SELF TO GOVERN! THE CONSTITTION AND THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY WERE MADE BY MAN ALSO BUT YOU STILL USE THEM TO GOVERN FROM THE WHITE HOUSE. ILL TAKE THE BEAUTIFUL MEN OF GOD OF THE HOLY BIBLE AND HOLY QURAN OVER THE FORE FATHERS OF THE COUNTRY WHO HAVE NOT GIVEN FREEDOM JUSTICE AND EQUALITY TO ALL THAT LIVE IN THIS MELTING POT. AND WHEN REVOLUTIONARIES CAME TO FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHT FOR THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS THESE HYPOCRITES KILLED THE RIGHTEOUS SERVANTS WHILE THEY HIDE BEHIND THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS OF LEGISTLATON THAT MAKES THIS A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!HYPOCRITES!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:52:41 +0000

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