LABOUR DAY BICYCLE RIDE PROTEST AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT, CORRUPTION AND MISPLACED PRIORITIES Good afternoon Colleagues: As you probably have heard, there is a young Ugandan graduate (Tugume Apolo) who rode a bicycle from Mitooma, Bushenyi, to Kampala as a way of protesting unemployment; over the weekend, Byamugisha Moses, Mwijukye Francis and I managed to trace him and I have had the privilege of meeting and speaking to him today; Subsequent discussions have led us to organize a bicycle ride from Busega to Makerere University Guest House and a press conference thereafter as a way of amplifying his timely protest which highlights a crisis that the majority of we young people are faced with. This bicycle ride is slated for 1 May, 2014, which is Labour Day; the success of this bicycle ride depends on the number of young people who will participate, the media coverage and public attention it will/can garner. We have hired eighty bicycles to carry participants in the ride but more participants are welcome. For those who can, you may come with your bicycle and join the ride. All those copied into this message are vested with the responsibility of mobilising participants... This ride will start from Busega at 8.00AM on Thursday morning and will proceed through the ……………………………. route until our destination which is Makerere University Guest House; alternatively, we might ride to the Pan African Square from Busega... All participants will be availed with placards/posters highlighting the unemployment predicament that millions of Uganda’s youth are grappling with. At the end of the bicycle ride, mineral water will be served to the participants as a refreshment. A statement which has already been prepared will be read to the media and that will conclude the event. This should be concluded by midday. All necessary/contingent preparations (including standby medical- and legal-response teams) have been put in place. The Police has also been informed as required by the Constitution. Please invite friends to participate in this noble endeavour and do not hesitate to inquire for further information. Our Country; Our Duty! Karamagi Andrew
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:38:56 +0000

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