LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of - TopicsExpress


LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. The sin of public teachers Here made responsible for the ignorance of the people. 1. As ignorance is a very rife and destroying sin in the visible Church, so the guilt thereof doth ofttimes lie in great part at preachers’ doors. 2. Such as would be able to teach others, ought to take much pains that they may be instructed themselves from God in His Word. 3. The more familiar occasion of converse men have with holy things, wanting holiness, their contempt and dislike of them will be the greater, and their opposition to light have the more perversity and the less infirmity in it. 4. Such as do for a time reject and resist means of knowledge, may at last come to lose the light they had. 5. The more relation any pretend to God, by virtue of their general or particular calling, the Lord will make use thereof to aggravate their sin and unanswerable walking. 6. Unfaithfulness in offices will cast men out of the Church, as unsavoury salt is cast out, which is a sad judgment. 7. It is a righteous judgment on unfaithful ministers that God suffers their posterity to be neglected. Lack of knowledge As if he had said, If they had the knowledge of God, they might have prevented all this, but they were ignorant and sottish people, and this was the forerunner of misery and destruction. The heathens were wont to say that if their god Jupiter would destroy one, he would first besot him; so these people were first besotted and then destroyed. Ignorance is not the mother of devotion, but rather the father and mother too of destruction. In the beginning of this chapter we have the sin of ignorance set forth, here we have its danger. There we had the charge, that they had “no knowledge in the land”; here we have the judgment, that they “are destroyed for want of knowledge.” Ignorance is not only the deformity of the soul as blindness is the deformity of the face; though a man or woman have never such a comely face otherwise, yet if they be blind, or have but one eye, it mars their beauty; so ignorance takes away the beauty of the soul; and not only so, but is dangerous and destructive, and that in these respects— 1. The rational creature is very active of itself, and will always be in motion, always working. Then, wanting knowledge, and surrounded by pits and snares, how dangerous is his situation! 2. Man’s way is for eternity, and there is but one way that leads to an eternity of happiness, and that lies in the midst of a hundred crossways and bypaths. If he have not light, if he want knowledge, what is to become of him? 3. Man is not only going onward through dangers and byways, but he must go on with his own light. The soul that is ignorant no angel in heaven can help, except as an instrument of God to bring sight into his eyes. 4. The work we are to do about our souls and eternal estates is the most curious and most difficult piece of work, and we must do it by our own light. 5. Blindness in this world makes men objects of pity and compassion, but this ignorance and blindness make men to be the objects of the hatred and curse of God. God gave us light at first, we have brought ignorance upon ourselves.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:58:04 +0000

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