LACK OF PATRIOTISM Total Lack of Patriotism is another Real - TopicsExpress


LACK OF PATRIOTISM Total Lack of Patriotism is another Real Problem that faces Nigeria. This has almost Silently; Deeply, and Gradually put a Sharp Knife to nearly All the Things that Actually held the Nation together. Specifically, there can never be an Actual End to Nigeria’s Sentiments of Tribalism; and Crimes; and Distrusts; and Corruptions; and Disunity, until Patriotism is there. In other words, the Greatest and the Highest Steps to a Better Change in Nigeria, is for Her Citizens to Grow a Real Sense of Belonging, and that of a Real Discipline of their Inner Selves. In short, Nigeria’s Total Lack of Patriotism may, or may not likely end up in Dividing and, even Re-Dividing the Country. But, as the Situation now is, even the entire Wealth of Nigeria’s Natural Resources can never, in any way be the Key Basis to the Country’s Actual Unification and Progress and Peace. In the same Vein, Re-addressing all the Odds and Sentiments of Nigeria’s Tribal; Religious; Political and Economic Problems, cannot equally be the Best Option. For, even if all these Issues are brought to better Settlements, the Country still can go nowhere Until a very Strong Implants of Patriotism is Truly entwined into the Minds and Attitudes of each and every Nigerian Citizen. Now, if you can stop and take a very close look at the Life and Attitudes of people of other various Nationalities; you can quickly Notice that Nigerians are relatively Unpatriotic. Almost every average Nigerian is, particularly Concerned about his or her own self alone. That is not to say that all Nigerians are Naturally a Disunited; Selfish, and Heartless People. The Plain Truth there is that Peoples’ Basic Dignity and Needs are Unjustly Stolen Away. And in short, quite a Great Lot of Wrongs has already been done to Nigeria and to Nigerians. And, it is all the Wrong Situations there in Nigeria that, Negatively Turned the entire Society to nothing but a Matter of Survival of the Fittest. So, many Nigerians out there are really Self-centered. Some really are Lost in their Struggles and Love and Pursuits of Money. Some are merely being called from afar. Some, even are not 419ners. Yet, they are neither Satan nor Angels. For some do not, and can no longer; even stop to Think or to Re-think and, or even to Re-weigh on what they are supposed to do for the Good and Honor of their Fatherland. Rather, the only thing they care for is themselves and, or for what their Country can ever do for them. In my travels, I repeatedly watched several large groups of people of other Nationalities Living Peacefully together in Actual Mutual Understanding and Unity and Patriotism. Unlike Nigerians, they Peacefully Share the same Roof or Apartment together. They Eat and Drink in the same Dish, and there are neither Fights nor Misunderstandings nor Crimes nor Distrusts nor Sentiments of Tribal or Religious Hatreds or Discriminations. And like Nigerians, all these people have their own respective personal and National Problems and Challenges of Life. But, please know that the Utmost Out-standing Secrets to these people’s Unity, is neither Tribe nor Religion nor Color nor Wealth. They are Strongly and Indivisibly United, only from their own respective Inner Spirits of Patriotism. Admittedly, this kind of a Patriotic Spirit is only visible in Nigerians’ Mutual Love in Football. But, it is never Impossible for Nigerians to further extend such a Mutual Patriotic Spirit to other Spheres of Nigerian’s Life and Behaviors. For nothing ever can Change for any people if they continue to do things the way they have always done them. “ God Almighty”, The Glorious Qur’an did Say, “ Does Not Change the Grace that He has Bestowed on any People Until they First, Change What is in their Minds ”. – Holy Qur’an Chapter 8 Verse 53 as well as Chapter 13 Verse 11. In a nutshell, the Actual Reasons for Nigerians’ Lack of Patriotism is not Democracy. It is not Corruption. It is not Modernism. It is not Westoxication. It is not the Hard Situations of Things in the Country. And, it is not President Jonathan. The exact Reason is: “ YOU and ME ”. Yes! The Reason is each and every Nigerian’s Mindset, and the way that he or she Reasons and Reacts each time; each day, and each place. Anyhow, everybody can never ever be the same. As Individual Faces are different, so are the Minds. But, as far as this particular issue is Concerned, I am not, personally and in any way, in expectation of a 100% Perfect Patriotic Nigerian People or Society. For honestly, nothing and no one ever can offer Perfection except God Almighty. But as a Nation, Nigeria has Great lots of Projects Uncompleted; Dreams Unfulfilled, and Talents Undeveloped. But, the Life of this Material World is full of known Knows and Unknown Knows. There are Unknown Unknowns. And, there are knowns but Undermined. As for Nigeria, She is still so Very Good enough for Her Citizens to, at least Blend-in some Mutual Spirits of Patriotism and Understanding in their own Lives and Cultures and all.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:40:29 +0000

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