LADIES..... I would like to explain a way you are manipulated - TopicsExpress


LADIES..... I would like to explain a way you are manipulated throughout your entire life! Movies, Tv shows, and Models in media tell you beauty is a certain way. You strive your entire lives not remembering the fact these stars have millions of dollars to make themselves that way. This causes a felling of never being good enough, and low self-esteem. A lot of young teens cave into the pressure of this and commit suicide. The Elite for example Donald trump is the man that holds Miss UNIVERSE AND USA every year. See these people want to sell their shit. In order to do this, they make you feel NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. This makes you believe anything that comes out about beauty, and makes you unaware of the truth. THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS WHAT THE ELITE HIERARCHY CLAIM IS BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP. FACT IS EVERY WOMAN BIG OR SMALL RICH OR POOR IS ALL A BEAUTIFUL SPIRIT WHICH MAKES YOU AUTOMATICALLY A BEAUTIFUL PERSON. THIS IS NOT SOME CLESHAY TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, ITS SIMPLY THE TRUTH! NO.MATTER WHAT DONT FORGET YOUR A INDIVIDUAL, NOT A FOLLOWER. BE YOU AND THE TRUE BEAUTY WILL SHOW ITSELF. I LOVE ALL OF YOU AS FRIENDS NO MATTER YOU BELIEVE TO BE FACT OR NOT. THIS SAME PRINCIPLE BELIEVE IT OR NOT APPLIES TO MEN AS WELL. IF WE ARENT THE ROCK, OR SKINNY AS A TWIG WE GET IGNORED. THIS IS AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH, AND ITS A SELFISH THING THE ILLUMINATI HAS DONE TO THE CULTURE OF THIS WORLD. EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT DAY TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS. REMEMBER LADIES YOUR ALL BEAUTIFUL NO.MATTER WHAT AND AS LONG AS YOU TREAT PEOPLE WITH LOVE THAT BEAUTY WILL SHOW ITSELF PERIOD! !!!!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:48:53 +0000

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