LADY LIBERTY SHINES BRIGHTLY IN AFGHANISTAN. AFGHANISTAN AT THE UN IS SO GRATEFUL FOR US INTERVENTION. The US is multi-faceted in point of view by the United Nations from bleak to bright. The perception of the US sabotaged Lady Liberty quenching her flamed torch at the United Nations. Speakers addressed concerns and lament how the Lady with the stud rays behaves like Dr. Jekyl and Hyde. I was hoping that one speaker would come forward to cheer us because every state is two-faced. I was exhausted listening three days to negativity hoping for a ray of sunshine. And on the fourth day, a speaker came forward showing ivory and dressed smart with suit and tie. He walked slowly to the podium and was introduced as the, "Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan." I sighed and thought the speaker would lament about the US and allies and as a boxer in the ring would give America a final blow. The speaker illustrated the journey that Afghans ousted the Taliban from power with military backing from the US. The Taliban movement rose to power in the early 1990s, and controlled ninety percent of the territory. The Taliban unleashed a period of particularly cruel and barbaric violence under the disguise of Islam. And because of their backward world view and suppression of the rights and freedoms, especially women, the country was hoping for change. In short, Afghanistan was a failed state ruled by a proxy militant group that provided shelter to international terrorist. This changed when the US and allies removed the Taliban from power. The intervention embarked an era of a different reality and hope. The US and allies with the help of Afghans have rejuvenated and developed a country that laid in ruins. Today, thirty-five-thousand brave and professional Afghan soldiers and police officers are prepared to defend. The US turned the 9/11 attack into a victory and not only combat the Taliban and Al Qaida but sacrificed selflessly and compassionately.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 04:43:07 +0000

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