LADYGROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL & NURSERY FRIDAY NEWS – 3rd October 2014 Twitter: @ladygrovedawley SMART CODE Speak politely and listen carefully Make school enjoyable for everyone Act safely and sensibly Respect and care for each other Try your best at all times FOOTBALLS We have purchased footballs for the children to use at playtimes and lunchtimes. Children therefore do not need to bring footballs from home into school. Thank you. URGENT REMINDER As from Friday 7th November newsletters will be sent electronically so please make sure we have an up to date E.mail address. ST LEONARDS ‘MESSY CHURCH The next ‘Messy Church’ meeting will be held on Sunday 12th October – 4-6pm – All families welcome. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NEWS Car boot raised £216 – thanks to everyone who supported or helped at this event. Harvest Tea – Wednesday 15th October at 2.00 pm. Ladygrove School Parliament have requested that all funds raised will be donated to ‘MacMillan Cancer Support’. We would be grateful for any donations of cakes/biscuits towards the tea which we will also be selling on the playground at the end of the day – All welcome. ATTENDANCE Attendance for last week:- 100% (Miss Wolf), 99.38% (Mrs Owen), 99.29% (Miss Robinson), 99.95 (Mrs Medhurst), 98.00% (Mrs Myatt), 96.67% (Miss Middleton and Miss Harrison), 96.13% (Miss Williams), and 95.81% (Mrs Evans). SCHOOL MEALS As lots of you are aware, all pupils in KS1 and Foundation Stage now receive a free school meal as part of the government’s universal free school meal initiative. The cost of school meals for KS2 children is £2.00 per day. The children are really enjoying their hot meals and the menu will be as follows (subject to availability) Monday – Big Breakfast, Tuesday – Chicken Curry or Boston Bean Hot Pot, Wednesday – Roast of the Day, Thursday – Hot or Cold Wrap Selection/Vegetarian Wrap and Friday – Fishfingers, Macaroni Cheese. STAR OF THE WEEK This week’s ‘Stars of the Week’ are: Miss Middleton – Amarlia E who is very keen to learn and now able to sound out and blend her sounds. Miss Robinson – Riley J for trying hard all week with sounding his words to read and spell, Miss Wolf – Ryan P for being a fabulous learner, Mrs Myatt – Koen G for being an excellent learner, Mrs Evans – Owen V for his active participation, writing on whiteboards and sharing work on the carpet, Miss Williams – Ellie J who is polite, hardworking and always willing to help and producing really fantastic work, Mrs Owen – Tyler E for fantastic diary writing, Miss Harrison – Maddison B who has made great progress in writing and Mrs Medhurst – Alanah S for working hard on her writing BIRTHDAYS Celebrating birthdays this week are:- Ethan D, Charlie and Jasmine V (Mrs Myatt’s class), Jordan B (Mrs Medhurst’s class), Zakkary C (Miss Williams’ class), Leoni T (Miss Wolf’s class), Phoebe Ryan (Miss Robinson’s class) and Sahara Dhande (Mrs Owen’s class). LOST ITEMS Olivia in Miss Middleton’s class has lost her PE Bag with PE shorts and black doodles pumps – they are brand new and have been named. Could all parents ensure they check their child’s clothing to make sure they haven’t got someone else’s – thank you. If anyone finds them could they please return to the school office. LUNCHTIME SUPERVISOR VACANCY We have a permanent, part-time Lunchtime supervisor post available – 6.25 hours per week. Salary - £7.26 per hour with the closing date - Friday 10th October 2014. This job involves working within a small team to ensure our students have safe, but enjoyable free time. The ideal applicant will preferably have previous experience in working with children/an understanding of Child Protection policies/patience and empathy towards pupils. The successful candidate will need to be first-aid trained or prepared to undertake the training. If interested, please complete an online Telford & Wrekin Council Application Form and email to [email protected] We also need casual lunchtime supervisors on an as and when required basis. The successful applicant will be subject to a DBS check from the Criminal Records Bureau. CHICKENS This week we welcomed back the ‘Ladygrove Chickens’ from their extended Summer holiday looking plump and fine-feathered! Children and staff are all very excited to have them back. SPORTING NEWS Year 5/6 Football at Shrewsbury played 3 matches; unfortunately lost all of them, but played brilliantly and represented Ladygrove really well. The team were – Charlie B, Manraj D, Alfie B, Lewis F, Morgan T and a special thank you to Alfie B who stepped in at the last minute and is only in Year 4! Year 3/4 Football Team played against Windmill; the team were – Poppy B, Ella B, Abby F, Jacob J, Harry F, Archie E, Isaac A, Jack L and Fynnley E. Sadly we lost, but there was an excellent goal scored from a free kick by Isaac A who was man of the match! Year 5/6 Netball match against Woodlands. Ladygrove won 3:1 with Lily-Rose H scoring 2 goals and Neve G the other goal. Well done girls! HARVEST ASSEMBLY The Harvest Assembly (for children only) will be held on Wednesday 15th October 2014. Children will leave school at 9.00 am for a service at Dawley Baptist Church. All harvest donations will be donated to the ‘Foodbank’ at Dawley Christian Centre. DATES FOR THE DIARY Monday 6th October 3.15 – Yr 3/4 Games Club. 3.15 – Yr 1 & 2 Dance Club. Tuesday 7th October 10.15 – 3.00 – Swimming Yr 4, 5 & 6 Wednesday 8th October 3.15 – 6.00 -KS2 Netball match at Phoenix. 3.15 – Yr 3/4 Football Club. 4.00 – Yr 5/6 Football 6 a-side at Shrewsbury Sports Village 6.30 – Community Choir Thursday 9th October Scholastic Book Fair arrives in school 3.30 – Year 3/4 Football match at Windmill School. Friday 10th October 3.15 – Yr 5/6 Football Club 3.15 – Table Tennis Club FORTHCOMING DATES - NO CHOIR UNTIL AFTER HALF TERM 15th October Harvest Assembly/Harvest Tea 15th October Parent/Teacher Meetings 16th October Parent/Teacher Meetings 23rd October Halloween Disco 27th – 31st October Half Term Holiday 5th November Bags2School Collection 19th November Christmas Crafts 5th December Christmas Fayre 19th Dec Last day of Autumn Term 5th January PD day 6th January Start of Spring Term
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:32:33 +0000

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