LAMP WITHOUT OIL. Jesus gives the parable of the ten maidens. The - TopicsExpress


LAMP WITHOUT OIL. Jesus gives the parable of the ten maidens. The ten maidens represent all followers of Jesus. It represents the church. The church is on her way to meet the lord. At the second coming of Christ, the true Christians will be taken to heaven by the bridegroom. In this parable, five of the maidens were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones had no oil in their lamps. Lamps without oil is a form of Christianity that has no substances; a Christianity that has no life in it. They represent empty life, without good works and without love. Have you ever put in a lamp that has no oil in it? It will catch immediately but after few minutes, it becomes dim. It gets dimmer until it finally fades away. That is a good example of a Christian that lacks spiritual oil. Oil is the thing that keeps you burning. Oil is the inner vitality and energy in a believer. Oil is your spiritual connection with God. Some Christians lack the oil that makes them shine as they ought to. *They are Christians without essence. *They are Christians that have no spiritual vitality and energy. *They are Christians that are careless with their relationship with Jesus. *They are Christians that have not the Holy spirit in them. In this parable, the foolish maidens were unprepared to receive their bridegroom, they were still having no oil when their bridegroom returned. Anytime we are not in the state of grace, we are foolish. Christ has warned us to prepare for his coming. Let us ask God to grant us the grace of vigilance.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 06:08:52 +0000

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