LAND OF MY BIRTH I PLEDGE TO YOU, MY LOYALTY AND DEVOTION I cant Facebook like when tragedy happening in my Homeland. We can’t predict when nature going to have its will. But we can provide basic infrastructure that all can utilized. To long my fellow Vincentians have been complaining about the deplorable road conditions in S.V.G and the people in charge turned a blind eye. They will pitch the road up just enough to silent the people and everyone thinks they done a great deal. I am neither for any of the political parties; I am for the people of S.V.G and for to long have witness both parties while in office and their faithful benefited while other struggling. What is going to stop the other party from doing the same thing when they get in power? Lets stop living in the moment, like every election. How I’m going to benefit now. Who is going to give me food, galvanize or a job to campaign for them. At the end to the campaigning you are going to be at the same place you were before the campaign. Broke, jobless and hungry. And that’s nowhere. Lets start safeguarding or future and our children’s future. Lets start ask question on how we are going to create sustainable job’s, advance our education system, our health care system and civil service system. I am asking my people to rise up enough is enough!!! There are to many educated and capable citizen in S.V.G around that can make a difference. It easy for many of us to say it’s not my problem. Well stop complaining when decision and policies are being made that are not benefiting the country. It starts with you. I am not writing this for Facebook likes. I want Vincentians to start a dialog. Asked yourself if this is all you deserve. You close your eyes and wake up the next day to the same madness everyday, high utilities, high fuel cost, high unemployment, rampant crime, poor infrastructure and stagnant economy.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:10:30 +0000

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