LANGTANG GENERALS AT WAR All is not well in Taroh nation of - TopicsExpress


LANGTANG GENERALS AT WAR All is not well in Taroh nation of Plateau State, as the people are at war over their traditional stool, the Ponzhi Taroh. Yusufu Aminu Idegu examines the roles of the contenders. LANGTANG people who speak the Tarok language and occupy parts of Southern Plateau State boast a retinue of retired and serving Generals in the Nigerian Army. In fact, Langtang is known as ‘Home of Generals’ in the state. There are more Army Generals in the town than in any other single ethnic group in the entire Middle Belt. Some of the retired Generals of the Taroh ethnic group still living today include Gen. Domkat Bali, Gen. Joshua Dogonyaro, Gen. Jeremiah Useni, Gen. John Temlong, Gen. John Shagaya etc. Most of them played commanding roles in their days in the Nigerian Army. But in their various retirement life, their efforts to also play commanding roles in their Langtang community have pitched these Generals at war against one another. Each of them has been fighting tooth and nail to be in command of affairs on the paramount traditional stool of the Tarok people known as Ponzhi Taroh. These Generals have also been in battle on the political field to outwit one another over the political affairs of their immediate communities and the entire state in general. A war of Generals However, the area that is so dear to the lives of these retired Generals is that of the Tarok traditional stool. The stool is currently occupied by His Royal Majesty Gen. Domkat Yah Bali (GCON). But since 2010, when Gen. Bali assumed the paramount throne in the community, he has been at war with other Generals who have been battling to unseat him from the prestigious Tarok stool. The Ponzhi Taroh stool became vacant in November 2008 following the death of the last occupant, the late Edward Zhato. That was when the war began among the Generals. There are three of the Generals who are directly involved and have been at the centre of this war which has lasted six years. The Generals, Bali, Useni and Dogonyaro, by their personal and respective interests on the vacant Tarok stool, have made it difficult for the Tarok people to install a substantive Ponzhi Tarok for a period of about three years. Gen Useni who hails from Gazum chiefdom expressed his interest to contest the throne. He was clearly told he belongs to another chiefdom and cannot contest in the Taroh chiefdom. Gen. Dogonyaro who though has no interest in contesting the throne never wanted Gen. Useni to come near the throne. Gen Dogonyaro on his part prefers Gen. Bali to be the next Ponzhi Taroh. And so the battle rages on. When Gen. Bali became victorious in that long battle and was installed by the Plateau State government as the substantive paramount ruler of the Langtang nation, the battle ground shifted to the courts. In the court of law A case allegedly sponsored by Gen. Useni was instituted in 2010 by one Mr. Clement Chirman, National President of Gazum Cultural, Economic and Development Association, and four others against Plateau State government including the new Ponzhi Taroh, Gen Bali. After necessary consideration by the Plateau State High Court, Justice Pius Damulak who presided over the case pronounced his verdict. In his judgement delivered on the April 10, 2014, Justice Damulak, who is currently the Acting Chief Judge of the state, said, “Upon consideration of this suit between Mr. Clement Chirman and four others versus the Governor of Plateau State and three others, and after hearing counsels to both parties on the subject matter, it’s hereby declared that, by the provision of the appointment and deposition of Chiefs under 2010, the Benue-Plateau State legal Notice No. 3 of 1975 has been repealed. “It is further declared that the said appointment and deposition Chiefs Order No.4 of 2010 is the only subsisting method of selection of the Ponzhi Taroh. “It is further declared that Governor of Plateau State can lawfully repeal, alter and amend the said Legal Notice No.3 Cap. 20 of 1975 in accordance with the Native Law and Custom of Tarok people. “It is further declared that the duty of the court to expound and not to expand the law, hence sentiment of morality has no place in our judicial deliberation. “It is further declared that since the selection of the Ponzhi Taroh has been done, an order of perpetual injunction does not lie restraining the defendants, their servants, agents or privies from taking any step towards the repeal, amendment of any alteration of the method of selection of the Ponzhi Taroh. “The quest for an order of Mandatory Injunction compelling the defendants to commence and conduct the selection into the office of Ponzhi Taroh in accordance with the provisions of the repealed Legal Notice No.3 of 2975 is hereby refused. The Originating Summons filed by the Plaintiff is hereby dismissed.” Even with the judgement, there is no assurance the war among these Generals is over; there is likely to be further legal battle and it is suspected that the apex court might be the limit of the legal battle. A group of Tarok people known as The Taroh Progressive Movement in a statement shortly after the court judgement said, “The undisputed fact remains that His Royal Majesty the Ponzhi Tarok, General Domkat Yah Bali, remains till this day the paramount ruler of the Tarok people.” Coordinator of the group, Longken Gashik, who signed the statement said, “Tarok people are proud of His Royal Majesty, General Domkat Yah Bali, as their paramount ruler after the meritorious service to this great country Nigeria and rising within the ranks to the enviable rank of a distinguished and professional General per excellence devoid of political and corrupt tendencies.” He added, “General Domkat Yah Bali, the Ponzhi Tarok, is a credible and worthy person in every facets of life and his selection process to the throne of his forefathers was very credible and transparent.” Going down memory lane, Gashik said, “Tarok nation as a single chiefdom existed from 1955 via the famous Reak accord. The above unification led to the publication of Gazette for the selection of the Ponzhi Tarok which was published in 1975. “The 1975 Gazette was used to select the late Ponzhi Taroh (Chief Edward Cirdap Zhattau, OON) in 1975. It is worthy to point out that Edward Cirdap Zhattau from Ce clan contested with Ayuba Kum from the Lagan family of Zini (Gazum). In 1990, Gazum chiefdom was created via the Plateau State Notice No. 24 P.S. EDICT No. 2 of 1990. “The creation of the Gazum Chiefdom gave the Gazum people independence as far as chieftaincy issue is concerned. In fact, this creation removed the Gazum people in respect to the selection of Ponzhi Tarok he cannot vote nor be voted for to the stool of Ponzhi Tarok as no single person can be a bonafide member of two chiefdoms.” The Taroh Progressive Movement, however, believed Tarok is for unity, peace and progress. But the prevailing situation shows clearly lack of unity, peace and progress in Taroh land. Source: The Nation
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 06:40:55 +0000

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