LAPSIO, dum murmurat cum lactentibus cum sapit digito [muttering - TopicsExpress


LAPSIO, dum murmurat cum lactentibus cum sapit digito [muttering with gusto while sucking a finger with relish] As a writer, I have always found language very interesting, more so Latin, which we see scrawled on motto’s on coats of arms, or on letter-heads of Government Official Letter’s, which are designed to make us think that they were written by somebody important, not to say, intelligent! Latin is also used by Solicitors, and Lawyers, as the usage of this language allows them to add money to the bill they send you. “Convictus vero præcepit vobis, et vos sententia ut solveret saxis magnis centum annos, ita quod posuerit in fumum et tibia est coeunt” Sounds better than, “You have been found guilty as charged, and I sentence you to one hundred years breaking rocks, so put that in your pipe and smoke it mate” Which in the Latin might at least make you feel better than the English version. Alternatively, try this one; “Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus Which apparently translates to; “Mountains will be in labour, and an absurd mouse will be born”…which I suspect translates into modern English as; “All that work and nothing to show for it” OR; “Si post fata venit loria non propero” Which translates into; “If glory comes after death, I’m in no hurry” Or; “If one must die to be recognised, I can wait” But, this one made me read it twice; “Favete Linguis” Which translates into; “Favour me with your tongues” Which I hope means, talk to me mate! “Natus est melius foret! Which translates as; “ Being born, is better than the alternative!” After all this Latin lark, I think I will prefer this sample from the Russian language; “Наполните этой шутки ради, проходят водки товарищ! Which translates to; “ Stuff this for a lark, pass the Vodka Comrade!” “קיינמאָל פּרובירן צו באַרשט דיין קראַקאַדיילז ציין מיט אַ ווורשט! “ sounds like good advise in Yiddish as well, for it translates into; “Never brush your crocodiles teeth with a salami” But this one in Swedish, say’s it all, I think; “Engelska är ett praktiskt språk att veta, om din engelska, synd mest engelska ungdomar, inte vet det, talar det, eller blodiga tala det! Which translates into; “English is a handy language to know, if your English, pity most English youth’s don’t know it, write it, or bloody speak it!” Maybe we should all speak Esperanto, after all, it was invented to help us to understand each other, so; “Eble ni ĉiuj devus uzi Esperanton, finfine, post ĉiuj, estis inventita por helpi nin ĉiujn por kompreni unu la alian?” End of Mutter.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:20:10 +0000

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