*LARAS FAITH* EPISODE 25 ::::::::*******:::::: The night was - TopicsExpress


*LARAS FAITH* EPISODE 25 ::::::::*******:::::: The night was dark as the moon went to sleep, the crickets were busy screeching away, there were occassional cooes from some forest birds. Each time a hooting sound was made, it reminded Lara that Deji and her fetish oldman would be there any moment. Slowly she walked to the window, peeped outside- there was light enough for her sharp eyes to see clearly. After several attempts, she jumped out through the window- escape on her mind. She tip toed gingerly away from the main building... Not so fast she felt a gun noozle on neck. She froze for a moment, different plans flooding her mind. so you want to escape? Ehn? a masculine man asked, his gun still on her neck. No she whispered turning to face him. I actually came to see you... she said quitely. See me? he chuckled. yea, I..erm..erm...need..to talk...to ...to..you. she stammered. hmn. he grunted you are not smart, get back inside! he ordered. please... she edged closer to him, making the gun slip off her neck. I..errm...you know...I might be killed tonight... she said slowly placing a hand on his shoulder. He pushed her hand away, but she brought it back to its place. I just want one thing from you. she said sweetly. Im sorry...I dont do pregnant women. he protested trying to push her away. Dont mind my bulging tummy, just...lets..just...savour...some...you know.... she let her fingers run on his broad chest. Lara smiled to herself as his breathe became faster, she edged closer to him, her protruding belly pushing against him. He held her close,their face touching. Lara held him with one hand while the other hand worked out her plans. Cunningly, she let him drop his gun, she kicked it far away from them with her legs. Just before he recover from his gust, she gave him a sharp jab between his legs, her knee cap devoured the position. He collapsed with a yelp. Lara turned swiftly, and ran as fast as her pregnancy would allow her. She ran blindly into the forest, she knew one way or the other she would escape. She heard several gun shots, they were coming after her, she increased her pace. The gun shots came closer, she knew they would overtake her, so she decided to hide. She looked around her, no where to hide. She scrambled up a tree not minding the sharp pains on her waist. Just as she relaxed on the tree, she saw them, many of them. That daughter of a b-itch! one of them cursed. Ill kill her with my barehands.! Lara held her breathe, she put her hand around her mouth. Her Baby was fluttering violently, it kicked hard against her that she felt like screaming. A sharp pain below her abdomen almost gave her away. Ouch! she said. Did you hear that? the kidnappers asked themselves, Shes around here, disperse and look for her, Ill wait here one of them suggested. They all dispersed in different directions, except for the one standing beside the tree. Laras eyes widened with terror as she felt something crawl on her legs. She sat still and bit her tongue. Snake! She almost fainted. Haaaaa! she screamed as she fell off the tree. She landed on the man under the tree, he served as a cushion. Snake o! Snake! the man screamed in terror a the snake wrapped round him. That gave Lara the oppurtunity to crawl away under some bushes to hide. She was in deep pains, she wondered if she would die. The pains around her waist increased in momentum. Wetin happen? the group asked rushing back. e be like say that girl don turn snake o the man exclaimed in terror. The whole group stared at the dead snake in fear. Make we go call Baba they said before running away. Lara hid herself properly under the bush, her face washed with tears. God please help me. she wept silently. Thunder rumbled loudly with lightening flashing.Lara looked at the sky with fear, it was dark and pregnant with rain. Yekpa! Rain? Not yet please. she muttered. The rain poured heavily, Lara thought she would die. She wept and prayed as long as she can. God please, not for my sake...but for this baby...please.she shivered under the rain. It seemed God answered her, the rain stoped. Lara began to crawl farther into the forest in pains, she could no longer stand up. She wondered what part of the world she was. help will come she muttered to herself. She had faith in God. Somehow, she suddenly felt; she wont die in the forest. To Be continued tomorrow. Goodnyt good fans......
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:54:14 +0000

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