LARAS FAITH(EPISODE 26) ******* please help - TopicsExpress


LARAS FAITH(EPISODE 26) ******* please help me...I...dont. Lara pleaded with the strange family crowded around her. She was losing much blood already. They took her to the hospital, the journey to the hospital was tedious- Jides father had to strap her to his back cos she couldnt walk. At the hospital, she was taken to the intensive care unit. Wheres her husband? the doctor asked the family. we dont know o! We just saw her this morning. Baba Jide explained. She has lost much blood...its going to be hard for her... the doctor shook his head. please doctor help her. Mama Jide pleaded. Well try our best, just pray. the doctor assured, before proceeding to the room where Lara was. ......... Nurseeeee....I dont have strength again oooo! Lara screamed as she struggled. Please dearie....I understand, just a little push...please.the nurse attending to her soothed her. Lara wished a million times Tony was with her, she craved so much for soothing words. Here she was, struggling to give birth. Yes...were progressing, put in more effort.... the nurse urged her on. shes going to have twins... the doctor whispered to the nurse. Lara heard them Twins? Haaaaa! noooo! God wont be so wicked to me! she screamed in terror. The babys head is out. the nurse announced. Push harder! the doctor ordered. *Lara gathered a lot of energy she could get* Aaaaaaaaahhhhgghhh!!!She pushes hardly. Successfully, she gave birth to twins, she soon forgot her pains. The nurse gave her a baby wrapped in some clothes. Its a girl! the nurse told her. the other one? Lara asked. It was a boy. the nurse said sadly Was? Lara queried. Im sorry...he died few minutes after delivery... the nurse explained Take heart. patted her back. Lara smiled, she couldnt cry, why would she? She hugged her baby. Im happy to have just her. she whispered to the nurse. Your family are here to see you. the nurse told her. Family? Lara looked confused. Just then the door opened... Congratulations. they chorused Lara smiled. Family? Yes they were her new family! They brought her to the hospital, they saved her life! Thank you sir, Madam. o ga oo! This baby big gan! Jides mother peeped at the baby. We didnt have enough time to introduce ourselves earlier. Jides Father smiled. My name is Shina, this is my wife Ronke, and my son Jide. he said quitely. were from this village, kokotoro he explained. My name is Omolara Popoola, Lara began. I dont know where I am, but I used to stay in Lagos with my husband... Before...I was kidnapped Lara explained in a tired voice. Kidnaped? Haaa! When? how? Ronke shrilled. Its a long story... Lara shook her head. ::::: ***** :::: Lara shut her eyes in pain, as her babys mouth took hold of her nip-ple. Kpele. Ronke said gently. Lara nodded, they were indeed a family. The family could be termed kindness itself. The food she ate, her babys clothing had been free, she enjoyed her stay with them for the past two weeks. You dont want to name your daughter ehn? Youre just calling her baby. Ronke complained. uhn Lara grunted, as she rocked her baby. Thats not how to do it. Ronke collected the child from her, and began rocking it till it burped. ......... Baba Jide and I, had a discussion this morning... Ronke shifted closer to Lara. Weve decided to take you back to your family. I suppose, you still remember your address. Thank you, but I dont know my way out of here. Lara explained. Baba Jides friend has a car, well take you when ever you are ready. Ronke said again. Thank you very much. Lara was elated. The thought of going back home was enticing. Thank you ma. she hugged Ronke. She imagined what it would be like to be with Tony again. *********** DONT MISS THE DRAMA THAT IS ABOUT TO UNFOLD BACK HOME WATCH OUT FOR THE LAST 2 EPISODES TODAY.!!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:56:40 +0000

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