***LARAS FAITH EPISOPE 8*** Lara folded her arms round her - TopicsExpress


***LARAS FAITH EPISOPE 8*** Lara folded her arms round her chest as she watched her mother in-law pack some fruits into a basket. Youre going out she said rather than asked. Yes, but Ill be back soon. Amara replied covering the basket with a table cloth. Im coming with you... Lara began to say. No... Im coming with you! she said firmly. Lara, you cant come with me, okay? Amara tried to soothe her. Is there anything wrong? Youve been going out now for the past one week, and...and... Or is there anything youre hiding from me? Lara said with a frown. Now, Lara relax your nerves, okay. Stay back, Ill buy you something when Im coming back. Amara patted her. Okay then...Ill be going back to my place. Lara pouted. Lara! You cant... I cant stay here all alone! Lara began to cry. Amara sighed, she knew her game is up. She need to tell Lara the truth. But how would she start? Tony would be discharged that night. Errm..Lara, Tony had an accident, hell be discharged today. she said slowly. Accident? Tony? Lara held her chest firmly. Yes, hell be discharged today. Amara sighed again. Im coming with you to see him! Lara said huskily. No...Ill drop you at your place instead, youll see him later in the day, when hes been discharged. Amara told her. Lara felt her knee go weak, she prayed the accident isnt that bad. ::::::::******** Lara toyed with her cornrows out of boredom, her mother-in-law had called to tell her they were on their way. She tried to imagine what Tony would look like, maybe he would wear a scowl, or perhaps bark at her. She heard the front door open, she stood up sharply, expectantly. Welco... what she saw made her Tongue stick to the roof of her mouth... Tony sat in a wheel chair, he looked so pale. Chief Ifiora pushed the wheel chair into the room. Lara looked on, she tried to speak, but couldnt. Tony looked up at her, he held her gaze, his eyes full of regrets, sorrow and pains. Lara looked away, tears stung her eyelids, was it real? She asked herself. Dont cry. Amara hugged her. Lara wept on her shoulder, she watched her father-in-law push Tony in his wheel chair towards his room. Tears blurred her vision. Was this the same Tony she saw few days ago? Now he is in a wheel-chair? She hugged her mother-inlaw and they both wept holding each other tightly. :::::::******:::::: Breakfast is ready... Lara cooed as she helped Tony sit-up on his bed. He was watching her closely, shes been supportive ever since he came back from the hospital. He had always imagined her paying him back his evils now that hes defenceless, but she proved his imaginations wrong. He wondered if she had forgiven him, cos hes not even asked for her forgiveness yet. Hope you dont mind me putting too much milk in your tea...the doctor said you should drink alot of milk o. Lara smiled as she offered him a cup of tea in a saucer. Thank you. he said almost in a whisper. Your toast is here, your boiled eggs, your potato chips, your fried plantains, your .... Lara listed as she pushed a tray full of food towards him. for only me? Tonys eyes widened. Yes o! The doctor said you need a balanced diet! Lara said Tony laughed, he never knew she had a sense of humour. Eat up, while I get your bath water ready... she quipped. Errrm..Lara? he searched her eyes. yes? she turned to look at him. I...errm...I...just...wanted to say Im sorry..for..for..all I did to you...Im... he stammered. Oh please, dont start! Stop those Im sorry stuff! Lara frowned. I dont..know....Its..just that...just that...I feel Im not worth your kindness.... he continued. Now, dont talk like that, I hold no grudges against you..okay? Now eat up and take your bathe, you know your father would be here soon...rememberyoure seeing the doctor today...huh? she said sweetly. Tony held her gaze for a while before she looked away. She walked gently towards his bathroom. To Be Continued..... Pls show your support thnx
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:57:38 +0000

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