***LAST EXCERPT FROM WINTERS DEMON BY Eric Asher*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam scooped me up in a hug and it felt like my ribs were shattering. “Urck!” I squeaked. “Goodnight, Demon,” She said as she let me go and walked over to her door. “Don’t scar him too bad Foster. He’s delicate.” She sounded out each syllable as though she was talking to a child. The lock clicked and the ancient wood swung into the room as Sam disappeared in a muffled fit of giggling. “I think she’s adopted,” I said as I padded down to my room, the Nile, and just like Sam’s room, the locks clicked and the door swung in. “Okay,” I said. “I admit that’s a little creepy.” Foster and Aideen glided into the dark room. I flipped the lights on and strolled over to the bathroom. “Remember the Roman bath houses?” Aideen asked as she settled on the back of the sink. Foster nodded. “I still think Greece was better.” “My favorite was the Onsen in Japan,” Aideen said. “Hot springs in the outdoors, there is nothing like it.” “I’ve never been to Japan,” I said. “Hell, I’ve never even been to Canada.” “You should go to Japan some time,” Aideen said with a smile. “It is a beautiful place with a rich history.” “Now you’re making it sound boring,” Foster said. I chuckled, leaned over, and turned the water on with the modern brass handles on the tub. It was huge, and it was going to take a while to fill. I dropped the drain cover and stood up. “You two want to get the blood off in the sink?” “Way ahead of you,” Foster said as he leaned against the faucet handles to start the water flowing. He kicked the little white rubber stopper into the sink and jumped in after it to position it over the drain. “I’ll leave you alone for a bit,” I said as I added a healthy dose of bubble bath to the tub. I stepped out of the room and started to close the door. “Leave it open,” Foster said. “I don’t think the exhaust fan is going to keep up with the steam.” I frowned slightly, started to say something about steamy fairies, and then thought better of it.....
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 01:56:45 +0000

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