LAST MOMENTS OF LIFE righteous companions * Abu Bakr - TopicsExpress


LAST MOMENTS OF LIFE righteous companions * Abu Bakr as-Siddiq When the first righteous Caliph, Abu Bakr truthfully died, his daughter Aisha, read the following verses: I swear I will not return the wealth of youth, When the breasts will shrink and you izdash death rattle. Upon hearing this, Abu Bakr took the veil from her face and said, This is not right. Recites better: There will come true deathbed delirium, [and said to the man]: It is death that you were trying to avoid. (Kahf, 19) Here are two of my shirt. Wash them, and they shall be my shroud, for living in need of a new thing more alive than dead . [1] * Omar ibn al-Khattab Son of the second righteous Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab Abdullah said: After Omar stabbed, I was near him, and his head resting on my lap. Then he said, Put my head on the ground. I thought he said it, so do not bother me, and neither did this. But he said: What happened to you? Put my head on the ground. Woe is me and my mothers grief, if the great and mighty God will not forgive me . [2] * Abu Hurayrah Hammam said: When death approached Abu Hurayrah, he began to cry. People asked him: O Abu Hurayrah, why are you crying? He said, Im short of supplies, and the desert, that to me is huge, and I do not know where it ends : in Paradise or in Hell [3]. * Abu Sufyan Dying, the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and greet him, Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith ibn Abd al-Muttalib said: We should not mourn me. Indeed, ever since I embraced Islam, I have not committed any sins [4]. * Mother of the Faithful Ayesha Ibn Abu Muleyka handed story Zakvana ibn Abu Imran, who said: When Aisha died, Ibn Abbas came to her and asked permission to enter. I went in to her. Her head was sitting son of her brother Abdulrahman Abdullah. I told her that Ibn Abbas asked permission to enter. She replied: - Deliver me from Ibn Abbas. I do not need it, nor in his praises. Then Abdullah said: - About our mother, in truth, Ibn Abbas - one of thy righteous sons. He wants to say goodbye to you and pray for you. She said: - To allow him to enter, if you want. Ibn Abbas came in and sat down and said, - Rejoice. By Allah, it is worth only your soul to leave the body, as you will forget all the hardships and sufferings and met with Muhammad and friends. She said: - Whats next, Ibn Abbas? - You were the most beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah, and he loved only good. You lost her necklace night in al-Abve, and the Messenger of Allah decided to find him. As a result, people were without water, and Allah revealed the verse: ... Cleans clean sand ... (Female, 43) Youre the reason was the fact that Allah revealed this community is such a relief. Then Allah from the height of the seven heavens met you [having taken away from you wicked slander. - Per.] And there is not a single mosque, which commemorates the name of Allah, that in it day and night, do not read the verses of your innocence. - Leave me, Ibn Abbas. By Allah, I would like to be forgotten, and forgotten forever . [5] * Abdullah ibn Sad ibn Abi Al-Sarh Yazid ibn Abi Habib said: When Ibn Sarh in the wilderness, where he went to avoid confusion, it fell. At night, he asked: - It dawned? - No, - he said. As dawn approached, he said: - Hisham, I feel the chill of dawn, check-ka - and then prayed. - O Allah! Let my last act will be morning prayer. He performed a ritual bath and began to perform Namaz. In the first rakat he read the chapter entitled Opening the Scriptures (Al-Fatiha) and Racing (Al-Adiyat), and the second - Al-Fatiha and even some surah. Uttering words of greeting, he turned his head to the right, and when going to turn your head to the left, then gave up the ghost. So be pleased with him! . [6] * Mother of the Faithful Umm Habiba Aisha, the wife of the Messenger of Allah told me: The wife of the Prophet Umm Habiba, near death, she called me in and said: - Between us what happened, what happens between the wives of one man. Allah forgive me and you what happened! - Allah will forgive you and let you all that happened. - Are you pleased me, even as Allah will please you too! Then she sent for Umm Salama and told her the same thing . [7] * Abu ad-Darda The wife of this great Companion of the Prophet Umm al-Darda told me: When to Abu ad-Darda came near death, he said: Who is working here for the day? Whos working for this bed? [8]. Abu ad-Darda died in 32 after the Hijra. * Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman He was the keeper of the secrets of the Messenger of Allah. Al-Hasan said: Being at death Hudhayfah said: My favorite reached the coveted. Not succeed the one who will mourn. Is it not known to me what awaits me? Praise be to Allah who has not allowed me to live up to the Troubles! I have not seen these leaders, and the trouble-makers. An-Nazzaro ibn Sabra said that he asked Abu Masud Al-Ansari said that Hudhayfah, dying? Abu Masud said: When dawn approached, he said: - Allah forbid me to wake up in Hell! - He repeated this three times and continued. - Buy for me the two white bedspreads. In a short time, as they are replaced by the best garments or will be replaced by ugly mourning [9]. * Amr ibn al-Aas Awan ibn al-Hakam said: Amr ibn al- As once said: - I am surprised by those who are dying. Their minds are in place, but they can not describe the death. But when death crept to himself, his son reminded him about it and asked: - Describe her. Amr said: - My son, death is above any words, but Ill try to describe it to you. I feel like Radwa mountains fell on my shoulders, my stomach as if full of thorns, and my soul if wade through a needle. Abdullah ibn Salih narrated that Yaqub ibn Abdurrahman told him the story of his father that being near death, Amr ibn al- Aas wept and wept. His son, Abdullah said: - Father, I am afraid, when testing your share fell from the Great and Mighty God, youre always patiently endured them. He said: - Son, your father now befallen three things. First, stop his actions. Second, fear of the future. And third, the separation from loved ones, and it is easier of the two previous ones, - then he turned to the Lord and said: - O Allah, You are commanded, and I was careless. You are banned, and I disobeyed. O Allah ... But you - Forgiving and Merciful. [10] * Hakim ibn Hizam Before his death, to Hakim ibn Hizam entered visitors. At that time, he said: There is no god but Allah. Previously, I was afraid of you, but today I want to meet with you. [11] * Abu Bakrata Uyeyna ibn Abdurrahman told me that his father told him: When Abu Bakrata ill, his sons asked him to bring him to the doctor, but he refused. When death came near to him, he said: Where is your doctor? Let him deliver me from it, if its true! . [12] * A young man from among the companions of the Messenger of Allah Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet came to the dying boy and asked him how he felt. He said, I hope for Allahs mercy and fear of sin. The Messenger of Allah said: If at this hour in the heart of a servant found a place, these two senses, that He will certainly grant him what he expects and will protect him from what he fears. [13] * One of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. Dying, one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad began to cry. He was asked why he was crying, and he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah said that Allah gathered his creations in two handfuls and said that some will go to paradise, and others - to Hell. And so, I do not know to which I have been a handful of [14]. [1] See the book of Imam Ibn al-Jawzi Al-Sabat Indus al-Maut (Perseverance in times of death). [2] See the book of Ibn Sheikh al-Rubaie Zubura Vasaya al-Umlama Indus al-Maut (The Testament scholars to death). [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid. [5] See the book by Muhammad Aqil Hassan Musa Nuzhat al-food Tahzib Siyar Alam al-Nuba (Joy venerable: corrections to the book Life of outstanding people ). [6] Ibid. [7] Ibid. [8] See the book by Muhammad Aqil Hassan Musa Nuzhat al-food Tahzib Siyar Alam al-Nuba (Joy venerable: corrections to the book Life of outstanding people ). [9] Ibid. [10] See the book by Muhammad Aqil Hassan Musa Nuzhat al-food Tahzib Siyar Alam al-Nuba (Joy venerable: corrections to the book Life of outstanding people ). [11] See the book Nuzhat al-food. [12] Ibid. [13] See the book by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi Al-Sabat Indus al-Maut (Perseverance in times of death ). [14] See the book by Imam Ibn Rajab Jami al-Ulum wa al-Hikami (Collection of knowledge and wisdom).
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:58:31 +0000

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