LAST NIGHT AND MANY OTHER NIGHTS CIA & DIA OPERATIVES HAMMERED MY EARS CONTINUOUSLY FOR MANY HOURS WITH DIRECTEDENERGY SILENT SOUND WAVES FURHTER DEGRADING MY HEARING I SUFFERE FROM SEVERE NERVE DAMAGE TO MY EARS. SEVERE ACOUSTIC TRAUMA TO MY EARS. SEVERE DISTORTION TO ALL WORDS AND SYLLABLES SPOKEN AND HEARD IN NORMAL CONVERSATION AND ON AUDIO AND VIDEO. SEVERE DISTROTON CAUSED BY THESE DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON ATTACKS AND SEVERE RECRUITMENT. THERE IS A CLEAR PATTERN. EACH TIME I HAVE LITENED TO MUSIC FOR LONG PERIODS OF THE DAY THEY HAVE HAMEMRED MY EARS EVEN MORE THAT NIGHT IN MY SLEEP TO STOP ME FROM LISTENING TO MUSIC I CAN NO LONGER LISTEN TO PLEASING RELIGIOUS INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC BECAUSE EACH NIGHT IN MY SLEEP CIA AND DIA OPERATORS HAVE HAMMERED MY EARS WITH A CONTINUOUS HIGH PITCHED - STREAM OF ENERGY - SCREECHING SOUND TO STOP ME FROM LISTENING TO MUSIC. IT IS CALLED SILENT SOUND BECAUSE ONLY THE TARGET ABSORBS THE ENERGY OR FEELS ITS EFFECTS BECAUSE ONLY THE MIND CONTROL VICTIMS BRAIN HAS THAT SPECIFIC RESIDENCE FREQUENCY. Music defeats mind control programming because it disrupts the Bio Communications Signal between the brain of the mind control victim and the supercomputer of the DIA. This supercomputer interfaces (integration completion) with the mind of the victim and begins to inject imagery and other sequences into the human mind that the TI does not recognize seeking to establish integration completion between the Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) system and the human mind. Listening to music disrupts that link up, meaning it disrupts Integration Completion. They need the neural pathways to be clear and listening to pleasing music disrupts the subliminal Harmonic Sequence of Neural Linguistic Programming (Psychic Driving) and this they must stop. Reading, Writing Singing also works to disrupt mind control technology but nothing works better than listening to pleasing music. It is not just the pleasing music itself which disrupts their mind control programming but also the thoughts, ideas, memories and emotions you associate with that music. So, it is not music, but Pleasing Music that severely disrupts their mind control technology. They dont care so much if you listen to music but they dont want you to listen to pleasing music. This is why they have destroyed my hearing causing severe distortion, etc., when I listen to music, meaning it can no longer be pleasing if the lyrics hurt my ears and they do because those lyrics are severely distorted.. Listening to pleasing music disrupts the Sequencing Correlation Process meaning it cases there to be no coherent pattern of your thoughts, emotions, memories, etc.,for the CIA & DIA operators to establish and integrate back into RNM data. In other words, integration completion between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your coherent response to their specific Impulse Injections, the RNM verification process is breaks apart. So, listening to music disrupts the CIA & DIA operators ability to apply their observations to the indicators (evoked potentials) of your brain. This hinders Integration Completion between your brain and the RNM system. Listening to pleasing music also disrupts Formulation (collecting data by reading your mind) and prevents Predictive Integration (interpretation of data from injected thoughts and impulses). LISTENING TO PLEASING MUSIC DEFEATS MIND CONTROL AND CAN EVEN BREAK BRAIN ENTRAINMENT BETWEEN THE RNM SUPERCOMPUTER AND THE MIND CONTROL VICTIMS BRAIN AND THIS THEY MUST STOP AT ALL COSTS EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO KILL THE MIND CONTROL VICTIM BECAUSE IT WILL DESTROY THE RESEARCH AND CAUSE THEIR RNM SYSTEM TO FAIL AN SINCE THIS PARADIGM IS RESULTS DRIVEN - THEY MUST STOP YOU. LISTENING TO FREE MUSIC ON THE RADIO OR INTERNET DEFEATS A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY! THIS IS WHY THEY HAVE SO SEVERELY DEGRDED MY HEARING. I CAN STILL HEAR, BUT EVERYTHING IS DISTORTED AT THE 4000-6000 HZ LEVEL https://youtube/watch?v=Ic1QtIryE9I&list=UUG5McsN18_T0Spu9AUmSTyA
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:21:19 +0000

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