LAST POST - I promise. Youve all heard enough of me so I thought - TopicsExpress


LAST POST - I promise. Youve all heard enough of me so I thought it would be a good idea to share the words of a much smarter friend instead. He used to be a NO voter. If his words and the accompanying video dont sway you, I doubt anything could. This is what he had to say: Before I give my bit on the referendum Id like to say that it has been tremendous to see how many have been politicised by the whole issue. The debates at work, in the pub and on social media, whilst sometimes ferocious, are inspiring. It is a credit to the people of Scotland that so many have engaged with the issue and regardless of what you vote you should be proud of yourself for exercising that right. The thing is unless you are Dr Who there isnt an objectively correct answer and my view is that regardless of the outcome the people of Scotland are at the very least richer for the experience. Tomorrow we have to vote Yes or No and the question really is; Do you think Scotland will be better off as an independent nation than it currently is as part of the Union? The big question above has caused people to ask many other questions; Whats wrong with the way things are? If I vote YES am I voting for Alex Salmond? If I vote to stay in the Union am I voting for the Tories? If Scotland becomes independent will we be allowed to use the pound? If Scotland becomes independent what will happen if someone wants to invade us? Etc etc etc.... All of these questions have been given diametrically opposite answers by either side of the campaign. We are all capable of scrutinising these answers and deciding which ones we believe, which ones we dont and which ones we think nobody really knows the answer to. That though is the very point, WE ARE ALL CAPABLE. What is certain with a YES vote is that Scotland will have its own fully independent Government. That Government will be comprised of the very same capable individuals and will represent a nation made up of those individuals. They will be making decisions solely on behalf of and in the best interests of the people of Scotland. Scotland will be responsible for its own revenue and for its own budgets. Decisions for Scotland by the people of Scotland. Are we not capable of this? Look at the Commonwealth Games and the show the people of Scotland put on for that. Or the great inventors that have come from Scotland. Or the great sporting heroes Scotland has produced. Or the great artists, poets and musicians. Or the fine produce that we export all around the world. Of course we are capable of surviving as an independent nation and we should not feel afraid to take that step. Look at the issues the United Kingdom has faced over the past 10 years alone; Increasing social inequality, illegal wars, bedroom tax and benefit cuts, privatisation of the NHS, demonisation of the poor and incapable, expenses scandals, phone hacking scandals, and politicians and members of the media in court for crimes of dishonesty. To name a few. Have you ever sat back and thought I wish I could go back a year in my life and Id do things so differently? As a nation we have an opportunity not to go back but to be certain that in going forward we will not be part of repeating the same mistakes as before. 3 months ago I was a NO voter. My view was that as part of the UK we must take the good with the bad and come through things together. Unfortunately it is now clear to me that the UK is not heading in a direction I want to go in anytime soon. For that reason I started to think smaller and focused my mind on the question, again I remind you; Do you think Scotland will be better off as an independent nation than it currently is as part of the Union? It is not possible to fix the entire UK as things currently are but what we can do is guarantee a better future for the people of Scotland. A future shaped by and for the people of Scotland. Not by an elitist Westminster government that gives no consideration to anything north of Milton Keynes or to anyone south of the breadline. That positive step taken by the people of Scotland might even influence those south of the border to reevaluate the direction they are headed in. It may in the long term have a positive impact on the whole of the British Isles. And for those with an allegiance to Britishness and reluctant to turn their back on that. We will remain part of the British Isles. History will not be erased. You can remain proud of that if you want. This is simply a new chapter for the nation of Scotland. What we are being told is that we are not capable of going it alone. We will not survive. Are we that incapable? That inferior? That we need to remain part of the UK despite all its problems? I say no to those questions and YES to the main one. And if youre still undecided then please watch this short video...........
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:49:26 +0000

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