LATE POST: I received revelation starting from the time I had - TopicsExpress


LATE POST: I received revelation starting from the time I had awaken in the morning and throughout the entire day! So many little nagging things went array and i was waiting for the evening to come for the Worldwide Worship event... But the kinda day I was having, I needed prayer Now! So I thats what I did... *Forgive me for the long post but this is my real testimony* I felt like there was an evil spirit attempting to steal my joy and peace of mind lately... I couldnt put my finger on it at first until I prayed and asked God for insight in different areas... Each time I began to focus on the problem or issue at hand, Something kept pulling me back and redirecting my thoughts... God was showing me MYSELF and giving me clear and direct revelation in different areas of my life. One was how I had been allowing my inner peace/joy happiness/well-being even my health to be compromised by my holding on to certain connections and relationships that were long Dead, with people who were not morally supportive, and who were non-beneficial for me emotionally, productively or spiritually. Me Thinking: Ive been hindering my own progression in certain areas of my life by trying to be all of those things to others that were never that to me and without stipulations... I was unrealistic in my attempts to be to others what I wanted and assumed theyd be to me in return.... Not realizing the truth for what is and has always been...As long as their desires were being met, mine didnt matter... This was a cycle in my life, looking back at some that I called friends, some family and even some professional connections... It doesnt necessarily make them bad people, some are just incapable of anything else but SELF for whatever reason, and for others His work in them may not have moved in that area yet... While some are stuck in the belief that its all about THEM. As I was thinking these thoughts, I heard an authoritative, yet pleasant voice that kept saying, GOD Speaking: ITS TIME TO MOVE ON YOU KNOW THAT ITS TIME TO MOVE ON ... WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO WASTE PRECIOUS TIME, MENTAL ANGUISH AND LOYALTY ON THOSE PEOPLE? YOU ARE FOLLOWING YOUR OWN PLAN, NOT MINE! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, YOURE JUST AFRAID TO WALK AWAY BCUZ OF YOUR LOYALTY, YOU FEEL AS THO YOU CANT JUST LET GO... STOP WORRYING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES WHO ARENT WORRIED ABOUT YOU...AND MOVE! GO! THEIR PURPOSE WAS NOT FOR YOU TO DEPEND ON THEM, BUT INSTEAD FOR YOU TO DEPEND ON ME. .... Whooo!! When I heard this loud and clear... I almost ran out the door, lbvs... I was at the doctors office with my son and had to fight back the tears because I honestly felt it and I KNEW IT WAS SO TRUE!!.. Then when I got home, with this still brewing in my mind... my confirmation came in the form of a post in my news feed from an FB friend who is also a known Spiritual Leader that said: (((Be conscious of who you surround yourself with. Stop letting people who do very little for you control your mind and your emotions))).. That was the first thing I saw when I logged on and open my page! God is Good!!!! (Tho I believed before, I still had slight reservation, wondering if I had heard what I know I heard... Well He showed me too!) Lol Then I realized how much energy and time I wasted remaining in that dry space over the years, ( Yes Yeeeears)... Dealing with unsupportive people, falsehood friends, selfish, negative people, and those who honestly could probably care less about me reaching my full God- given potential as long as Im being to THEM what they need me to be when they needed me to be, no matter how big or small. ME Thinking: I started thinking, Ive been Celebrating people who truly do not celebrate me and lift me up as i do them, hmmm.... I thought I was doing great justice by trying to preserve these relationships with them as not to judge or be judgmental of who they have proven to be?... When I tell u that I was SO wrong! lol... As quick as I thought it... Here comes this voice again... GOD Speaking: He revealed to me that YOU CANT JUDGE SOMETHING ABOUT SOMEONE THAT HAS ALREADY SHOWN EVIDENT IN THAT PERSON! . THATS NOT JUDGING, THATS ACKNOWLEDGING!.... (I was outdone at that point!... I knew for sure it wasnt my carnal mind trying to lead me...It was God!!! ...When what you hear makes Perfect sense... That is God speaking to your heart)... So now for me , letting go and embarking on more meaningful and fulfilling relationships with Gods people and resources is very critical at this point in my life. Im more at peace now that I have a better understanding of some things God has been trying to show me for so long but my focus was slightly shifted... My phone had been ringing but i refused to answer the call until today.... Thank God I did!!! It was a master of me accepting what I already knew and releasing guilt for knowing that I needed to remove myself from certain relationships with people. I know that I have adjustments to make and now that I have insight of where to begin, I can also began making better choices in these areas in the future. My experience this day went on for several hours of God showing me things and speaking to me.... It was a trying but Blessed day!! I just wanted to share this particular part with others because I feel so many of us deal with similar situations on a day to day basis and you never know who your testimony may help. God Bless you all!!! Remain in Him and He shall remain in you!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:53:45 +0000

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