LATER BRAHMANIC FEMALE INFANTICIDE The custom of Vedic female - TopicsExpress


LATER BRAHMANIC FEMALE INFANTICIDE The custom of Vedic female infanticide continued during the Sutric (500 BC -200 AD) and Puranic Dark Ages (200 AD- 1000 AD) of the Brahmanic Dark Ages (1500 BC – 1000 AD). During this era, the Brahmins consolidated the power they had obtained during the Vedic Dark Age to the height of Absolutism. Any custom which could eat away at the foundations of non-Brahmin peoples was utilized by the Brahmins in order to consolidate their tyranny over the subject populations. Infanticide was one such method which helped preserve Brahminist power, and the population was hence brainwashed with the ‘holy’ Vedas, which prescribe this beastly practice. There were several other reasons why the Brahmins cruelly enforced Vedic female infanticide. The Brahmin race has always feared being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of non-Brahmins. Hence they resorted to the harshest means imaginable to curtail non-Brahmin reproduction. To this extent, the Brahmins divided Indian nations into mutually warring factions by means of casteism, enforced the vile customs of sati, hijrahism, devadasism and above all, spread the poison of female infanticide into the veins of the populace. Female infanticide rotted away at the very roots of the non-Brahmin races, many of which disappeared from the face of the Earth. The Indio-Greeks, Bactrians, Panchalas, Koshalas and Saurasenas are only some of the non-Brahmins races exterminated by the Brahmins using various forms of social degeneration which included female infanticide. The shortage of women led to unending wars amongst non-Brahmins for the remaining women. This is amply demonstrated in Rajasthan, where the Brahmin-enforced female infanticide led to male-female ratios of 10:1, As a result, a never-ending series of wars over women devastated the Scythic Rajputs for several centuries. Sessodia fought Chauhan, Kacchwaha fought Bundela and father fought son in fratricidal warfare which reduced Rajasthan to the desert it now is. Had the Rajputs instead tackled the real cause for all their wars and suffering, namely the Brahmins and the Brahmin-inflicted customs of female infanticide and sati, this suffering would not have occurred. ‘Thus, the ‘holy’ texts of the Vedas sanction apartheid and mass murder of baby girls. The magnitude of this circumstance is staggering: as long as the Vehas are followed, there shall exist immense hardships for women and the mass murder of children shall continue since these are all prescribed in these ‘sacred’ texts. Since such passages cannot be deleted in modern times, nor can the Vedas be modified, it hence follows that all Indian feminists must fight against any and all forms of Vedic religion. Unless they do so, Indian women forever remain enslaved to Vedic tyranny.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 05:59:45 +0000

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