LATEST GAZA UPDATE via Denny Cormier I apologize for my mostly - TopicsExpress


LATEST GAZA UPDATE via Denny Cormier I apologize for my mostly silent presence on Facebook tonight. I have been slightly remiss in keeping you posted about Gaza, but I and many others are waiting to get word from Cairo about the extension of a cease fire here in Gaza. We have enjoyed 3 peaceful days that will end in roughly five hours, but so far there is no agreement about terms of a long term cease fire plan or about the extension of the current cease fire even after 3 days of negotiations in Cairo. We are obviously hoping for good news. And that is the focus of many people in Gaza. Will there finally be a halt to the attacks altogether and an end to the long siege and blockade, or will the attacks continue. Frankly, I no longer understand Israels hesitation. They obviously have other plans for Gaza and they have no intention of ending the siege. But I totally understand the Palestinian cease fire plan. I have studied it carefully. They are asking for the rights that have been taken from them over the last several years - rights which are guaranteed under international law - rights I have to assume that Israel is still unwilling to extend, and never intended to extend. I am hoping to give you good news about a long term cease fire plan with the specifics that are non-negotiable - a cease fire plan that will extend human rights to the Palestinians living in Gaza. Israel appears to be hung up on issues of an airport and a seaport in Gaza, but I believe that both are essential. Israel has prevented the rebuilding of the airport in Gaza which they totally destroyed and yet continue to bomb.... and they prevent boats from going beyond the 3 mile limit that they have imposed. I believe that they have no intention of changing anything..... this is based on an examination of their pronouncements over the recent months. The sticking points are a stall. They used such tactics in the recent peace talks which ultimately embarrassed the United States and collapsed.... again there was no intention for a lasting peace... none at all. They were out to destroy the government and the infrastructure here in Gaza and they have instead destroyed thousands of homes and killed and injured many hundreds of civilians. They have caused billions of dollars in damages, and now just plan to walk away until they have in mind to do it again. And they will do it again, my friends. I have no doubt in my mind. They have asked for total disarmament of the Resistance in Gaza in return for peace.... And yet, most are well aware that disarmament would also lead to eventual annexation as they ran roughshod over Gaza who would have no way to protect itself. Not sure what they are smoking in Tel Aviv. I am not a Palestinian, so let me speak for myself and only for myself. I am suggesting that a peace plan without specifics is a guaranteed continuation of the siege which has become even more unbearable with the damages inflicted during the last year, and damages inflicted during the last 30 days. I support the peace plan in its entirety that was proposed by the Hamas. It spelled out in detail what the road to a lasting peace would require. There were no outrageous demands... the points were in keeping with international law... So what is the problem, Mr. Netanyahu (Mr. Obama).... or is this operation really about collective punishment and not about security at all? The Hamas conditions are outlined in this news story - .
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:50:37 +0000

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