LATEST ON BENDIGO MOSQUE. ...can you help.. URGENT! PLEASE - TopicsExpress


LATEST ON BENDIGO MOSQUE. ...can you help.. URGENT! PLEASE SHARE THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. YOUR SUPPORT IS IMPERATIVE. IS THE FUTURE OF BENDIGO AND OUR DEMOCRACY IN AUSTRALIA WORTH $20.00 TO YOU? WHAT PRICE WOULD YOU PUT ON IT? Rights for Bendigo Residents inc is an independent incorporated group comprising of Bendigo residents, members and supporters. We currently have a case before VCAT appealing the council’s decision to approve the permit to build the biggest Islamic mosque in Australia at East Bendigo with the capacity to accommodate over 2000 attendees and with further extensions planned. It is intended to be the jewel in the crown for Islam in Australia with pilgrimages from around the globe, therefore the ramifications are nationwide, not just regional. Only 35 Muslims MAXIMUM attend the hall that has been provided for them in Bendigo and most of these are not even Bendigo residents. We already know that other mosques are being planned for Bendigo and we understand that Bendigo council have been covertly planning to introduce thousands of immigrants, mostly Islamic, to Bendigo. A huge Islamic school and other developments (including residential developments) are also being proposed without public consultation or input. We are also addressing the conduct of Bendigo council and their cohorts whose interests are being served above the good of Bendigo residents. Many of those involved with this development are involved and have pecuniary interests in Sharia (United Arab Emerites) finance. The Bendigo council’s Melbournelawyers at VCAT have a dedicated team for Islamic finance and so does Bendigo Bank via Sandhurst Trustees who are the custodian of MCCA Sharia Finance and have financed the purchase of over 5 hectares of land for the proposed development. If this development is as good for Bendigo as council and their cronies are professing, why the secrecy, lies and deceit? On the 23rd of February 2015, we will be returning to VCAT to oppose the mosque development. We have engaged a fantastic legal team and expert witnesses to act for the residents of Bendigo in the VCAT court action and we are very confident of a successful outcome. However, as with most court action, legal costs are expensive and must be paid up front and so we are asking everyone who opposes this massive development and everything it represents, to help us with this fight. Please ask yourself: WHAT IS THIS WORTH TO YOU AND THE FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILY? WHAT WILL THE CONSEQUENCES BE FOR BENDIGO AND AUSTRALIA IF WE FAIL TO ACT NOW? WHAT WILL BENDIGO LOOK LIKE IN 20-30 YEARS IF THIS DEVELOPMENT PROCEEDS? You only need to look at Europe to understand where we are headed. A development such as this could be planned for your neighborhood too and you may need our help at some stage. It is imperative that we all stand together as a united front to make our voices heard loudly and clearly while we still can. According to recent surveys, 80% of Bendigo residents have consistently and strongly expressed their opposition to the mosque development, and this sentiment is growing all across Australia. This challenge cannot be just a group effort. It must be a community effort and we need your help. We need $30,000.00+ if we are to succeed. Without it, we can’t proceed. If everyone who opposes this proposed mosque development contributes just $20 or more (or whatever you can spare), we will soon have the funds we require for legal costs and we can then concentrate our efforts on the things we need to do in preparation for VCAT. It is not a big ask and you will be helping to share the load. Please be generous, dig deep and please continue to support us wherever you can. Our solicitor’s trust account details are as follows: Robert Balzola & Associates Law Practice Trust Acct, BSB: 182-222, Account Number: 3019 39492, Client I.D. ‘427’ See more payment options below. This payment slip can be printed off and scanned at any post office.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:56:43 +0000

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