LATINOS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT FREEDOM IS BASE ON TRUST – TRUST IS BASE ON TRUTH Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth. By Juan Reynoso – texusa2016@gmail gopetition/petitions/pass-an-immigration-reform-now.html Fellow Americans, Our country’s history is full of great accomplishments and we done it through seeking justice, because are the right thing to do. Freedom, social justice and the rights of all the people within our jurisdiction to be free to pursuit happiness and prosperity should be defend it and protect it. Ours is a Christian nation and our Lord give us hope and the courage to correct what is wrong. Fellow Americans, We are Latinos and this is what we see. Democrats and Republicans are destroying our future, our Latino character and values are being eroded by Washington corruption. To survive in this United States illegals have to lie to get jobs and hide from the authority; the opportunity to get a higher education is close to them, they made illegals a class of economic slave; they are allowed to be here to be exploited by others. I, Am an American and I know that most illegal immigrants believe on the principles of democracy, liberty and freedom, Illegal aliens leave their family and country and come to this United States in search of freedom, Democracy and equal opportunity to work hard for a better future, free of Government corruption and control. Fellow Americans, today illegals are being used by this government to gain political power at our expenses; we refuse to be the tools for making this country just like Mexico and other Latin American countries, corrupt and lawless, we must pass an immigration reform and stop the magnet of illegal immigration. We must pass this legislation and work for integration of all Americans not matter where they came from, race, national origin or religion, united we can deal with any adversity, we must look at this issue as an opportunity to get our country on the right path. We Latinos support an immigration reform; we want this immigration reform because we are concern about the character and values of our community. We Latinos must take responsibility about our economy and welfare, clean up our communities from corruption and crime and support and up hold our constitution and the rule of law, we know that our own government created this immigration crisis, their greed for money made them to ignore the laws to provide the corporations and big business with cheap labor, their failure to enforce the immigration laws is the main cause of this crisis; we cannot void, or be selective in the application or enforcement of our laws, this immigration reform will call for an strict enforcement of the law. With this Immigration reform, we must end the open border policy and our immigration laws will be enforce to stop illegal immigration. Fellow Latino, Let not one call you traitor for supporting this immigration reform, we are loyal to our country the United States of America, this country give us the opportunity to make for ourselves and our families a future of prosperity and we want the same for the ones that come to our country, legal or illegal they come to be part of this Unite States, not to make here a replicate of the country they come from. MR. POLITICIAN, WE THE PEOPLE WANT THE FOLLOWING: 1- Pass a legislation that will make every state part of the enforcement of the immigration laws and fund this obligation with the confiscation and sales of property from drug dealers, human traffickers and organized crimes, also by a sales tax. 2- Stop the magnet - Prosecute any employer that hires an illegal immigrant. The responsibility for compliance rest on the owner or the president, vise-president and human resources directors, if the violator is a corporation. Violation of this law should be a jail sentence of the minimum of 5 years. 3- Work on an immigration reform that will exclude and deport anyone with a felony criminal record. Also deport any one that is given US residence upon conviction of any felony crimes. 4- Change our constitution to stop anchor babies (U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC Bill) 5- Issue all beneficiaries of this immigration reform an ID card that will authorize them to gain employment and education in the United states and the U.S Commonwealth 6- Beneficiaries of this immigration reform should become permanent residents of the U.S. and follow the present requirements to become American citizen. Mr. Politician, we do not want an 1000 pages immigration bill that no one can understand, and no private contractors or grants for any organization should be given on the execution and implementation of this immigration legislation. This legislation should not be used for political purpose and the promotion of any political party. The new Immigration reform should be for a complete integration of immigrants into our language, culture and principles of our country. LATINO ESTAND FOR ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, SUPPORT AN IMMIGRACION REFORM. Please send letters to your Washington Representatives and the media demand an immigration reform now. God want for all people to be free and able to pursuit a better life and their happiness. Send this letter to your representatives and make this immigration reform a reality. Help us to spread the truth and do what is right, be part of the solution and stop this immigration injustice. Our only hope is the internet; the readers have the power. They decide which information goes around the globe! You may not be aware of it, but if each reader sends a link to 3 other interested persons, it only takes 20 steps to join 3,486,784,401 people! You want to see it happen? Use your power; let the people know the truth. 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 3,486,784,401. Contact your Senators - rense/general/emails.htm Contact your Congressmen - congressmerge/onlinedb/index.htm Stop the magnet that motivate illegal immigration and stop the abuse. Promote legal immigration. immigration.findlaw/ Contact the Media. rumormillnews/MEDIA_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.htm
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:08:26 +0000

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