LATINOS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT THE TRUTH WILL BUILD TRUST, AND TRUST WILL BUILD PEACE AND FREEDOM Open letter to: The American people and the Washington political incompetents and dysfunctional corrupt government. Mr. Politician, you took an oath. Before God you swore to defend and protect the Constitution and the sovereignty of this United States, yet you continue passing legislations that are destroying our country by selling our jobs to other countries and getting our country into a system of slavery by expending trillions of Dollars that we can’t not repay. (Proverbs 22:7 ESV) (2 Chronicles 24:20) (Nehemiah 5:5). Mr. Politician you have turned your back to God almighty our creator, you are the product of Harvard, Stanford or Yale, the elite business and law schools of this United States that believe in evolution not God, you become so arrogant that believe that you are greater than God, your greed for power and money made you a whore and sell out your office to the Federal Reserve Bank and the multinational corporations; you are the ones that shape and perpetuate the corrupt political and business culture of this country and demise the aspirations of millions of Americans. The truth is that the whole world knows that we are in big trouble, very near to the US and the European Economic collapse. While the collapse of our economic, monetary, financial and political systems may be a foregone conclusion, the timing of these events is difficult to predict as long that they continue printing more Dollars, but for sure we know they are coming soon. Fellow Americans, keeping abreast of current events, especially those events which are not discussed in mainstream reporting circles, is critical to understand what’s happening and protect your savings and investments before this comes to pass. The IMS and the global central banks have been actively positioning the world currency system down the road to catastrophe. The world already has entered a currency war that began in 2010 on the heels of the Federal Reserve’s massive easing money program and since then, many nations have joined in, including Brazil, Switzerland and Japan, we are in a Currency War and making the Next Global Crises. All major central banks are easing so much money and money will continue to be printed to feed the economic that will lead to a huge inflation. The endgame is the collapse of the international monetary system and the end of the dollar. When the international monetary system collapses, major financial powers will get together to plan the aftermath, when that happens, each nation must have enough gold relative to its gross domestic product. For sure the global economy will encounter major problems beginning in 2014; the biggest risk is the rapid collapse of confidence in the Dollar. The Federal Reserve Bank just can’t keep printing paper money; then gold really is going to back up the new world’s currency whether it’s a gold standard or gold as a reference price. If you’re paying attention you may have some time to get ahead of the calamity and prepare for the worst case scenario. I hope that you believe that all this is taken place, because God want to teach us a lesson; you see our God is a God of purpose, we fail to follow God’s rules, God created all things for our benefit we are the stewards of God’s creation and we let few of the elites of our country with the help of the Washington politicians hoard most of the riches of this country and the world and made us economic slaves, now that we learned what they are doing to us and our environment we must take action and work in unity to build a new America in God’s name. I am not pessimistic about the future; there is a chance that this economic crisis might not end as badly as the destructive devaluations that followed the Great Depression. I think that the Federal Reserve Bank easing money policy is an attempts to make up for non-existent fiscal policies, but using monetary policy that weaken our Dollar to promote domestic demand to create jobs whether voluntarily or not, is a great mistake or shortcut to avoid unpopular decisions on fiscal and budgetary issues. Common sense should prevail, the printing of money must stop and we must set Gold to back up the world’s monetary system and stop the multinational corporation’s predatory business tactics and the exploitation of the world’s natural and human resources, we can’t continue being indifferent about what is going on in our country, we must take action and stop the slavery of humankind. Posted by Juan Reynoso Please Spread The Word And Share This Post Clearglobal2013@gmail businessinsider/countries-biggest-gold-reserves-2012-3#1-united-states-10 policymic/articles/28327/ben-bernanke-and-the-coming-dollar-crisis-how-fed-stimulus-is-destroying-the-economy nytimes/2013/05/13/opinion/how-austerity-kills.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 21:28:06 +0000

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