LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, + 33 (Not Coincidences) 33 is a - TopicsExpress


LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, + 33 (Not Coincidences) 33 is a Extremely Prominent number in our society. YESHUA (¨Jesus¨) died at 33. Satan (Lucifer) took 1/3 of the Angels out of Heaven with him when he fell which is 33.33 Percent. Mt. Hermon is also at 33 Degrees and this is where the Book of Enoch says the Grigori or Fallen Angels came down to Earth to mate with woman and created Nephilim (Reptilian) Bloodlines. YESHUA stood at the base of Mount Hermon when he asked the question to Simon Peter But whom say ye that I am? and Simon Peter answered and said Thou Art the Christ. The Highest Level of the Free Masonry revealed to most of the Public is 33, but there are many higher level. Latitude 33 Degrees is a Parallel Masonic Line of Death that can correlate with certain psychic energy. The Great Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle of Death (Pyramids), Japans Triangle of Death or Devils Sea, Nagasaki which was a Christian City Nuclear Bombed in Japan, Damascus in Syria, Mount Zion, The White House in Washington D.C., The Sacrifice of American Soldiers at Benghazi, Libya after they murdered Gaddafi, The Lucifer Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona, Georgia Guide Stones, Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, and Superbowl 2013 where the lights went out for 33 Minutes is all at approximately 33 Degrees Latitude. Mount Sodom, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Dead Sea all lay at the 33 Degree Mason Line. Pope John Paul 1 was in office for 33 days before his death. Prince William will 33 in 2015 when he uses Blue Beam Technology to have ¨Aliens¨ (Holograms) to claim he is YESHUA and offer the Mark of the Beast ¨Smart¨ Tattoo when the world is plagued with famine, disease (H1N1 Virus), and deception. Jacob Rothschild is the grandfather of Prince William and is from the Canaanite Nephilim Satanic Bloodline. 1933 was when the German government was contacted by an outside force. Monsanto was Incorporated as a Chemical Company in 1933. The Banking Act of 1933 was implemented the Year United States of America went Bankrupt after the Great Depression and Sold Americans as collateral to the Rothschild-Run-Federal Reserve. Satan Always Mimics YHWH AND HIS SON YESHUA. Netherlands 52, 5, Druten, Netherlands (Birthplace of Anti-Christ Peter Hans-Kolvenbach) Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster 51, 30 London England, 51, 0 (Birthplace of Raj Patel- Maitreya) Stonehenge 51, 0 These 3 Latitudes correlate and at Stonehenge, there are Ascension Chambers. Chernobyl revolved around Nuclear Propulsion and Project Orion and was a Nuclear Attack, a preview to Wormwood. West Milton, New York 43 Degrees, 73 Mount Rushmore 43, 103 (Hall of Records) Caucasus, 42, 42, Russian Steppes Near Kazakstan 42, 42 Mount Shasta, California 41, 122 Istanbul, Turkey (Magog) 41, 29 Rome (¨Saturnia¨), Italy, 41, 12 New York, New York, 9/11, 40, 7 Bohemian Grove, 38, 123 Yosemite National Park 38, 119 St. Louis, Missouri Nuclear Power Plant 38, 90 (¨Zionist Center¨) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Attack- 37, 141 Las Vegas (¨Sin City¨) 36, 115 Hoover Dam 36, 114 Buenos Aires, Argentina 34, 58 (Birthplace of Pope Francis, False Prophet) Jerusalem 31, 35 (Bethlehem 31.68, 35.2) Waco, Texas 31, 97 Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt 30, 31 (Hall of Records under Right Paw- King Set) Buscher Nuclear Power Plant in Iran, 28, 51 (Biggest Threat) Mecca, Saudia Arabia 21, 39 Lalibela, Ethiopia (Garden of Eden, Home of True Hebrew-Israelites) 12, 39 Nairobi, Kenya 1, 36 The Lumerians or Children of the Mu from the Garden of Eden in Lalibela, Ethiopia are trapped in Mount Shasta and it´s underground cities. The Lumerians trapped The Dragon Satan under the Vatican in Rome. World War 3 will be between from what rises inside the Earth and will be using human beings and countries as pawns. Just in case you did not know, read the end of Holy Bible, Satan loses!!! :) The Nuclear Power Plant in St. Louis is a GLOBAL THREAT and will be a drastic repeat of Waco, Texas which was conducted as an experiment to poison the Soil (Iodine), Humankind, Animals, Breast-milk (Probiotics) in woman, Environment, Nature, Ionosphere, Atmosphere, Galaxy, Universe, and more. This Nuclear Power Plant needs to be shut down immediately!!! Attacks such as Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi in Japan, and others are intended to create and spread Hypothyroidism/Congenital Hypothyroidism/Grave´s Disease which is the leading cause of ALL Intellectual Disabilities and Capabilities, a way for Total Control, and Depopulation. A Large Majority of Humankind have this disease and do not know it. It is a way to trap the spirit, clog the Pituitary Gland/Pineal Gland, and desensitize the masses to the Truth. These Nuclear-caused diseases can be Cured with Nuclear Medicines such as Garcinia Cambogia (home-grown), Iodine-131, Potassium Iodide, Probiotics, Algae, Kelp, and Seaweed. Aspartame in Soda and Soft drinks is a Nuclear Weapon also as is Fluoride. The Hoover Dam was built to explode and cause catastrophe as depicted on the $1.00 United States Dollar if folded a certain way. This can trigger Geysers in Yosemite Park that have been at explosion level for a long time. When this explosion occurs, this will be an Attempt at the American (Babylon) Government to usher in Martial Law and 1776 will commence. This will be around the time of China and Russia creating a Global Ruble backed by Gold with a possible infiltrated Banking Virus and will collapse the United States Dollar and Stock Market in matter of days or weeks. Stocking Physical Gold, Silver, Water, and Food will help protect you from this happening which is not far. Growing your own food and stocking Organic Seeds to protect against Monsanto and Agenda 21 would be wise also. YESHUA (¨Jesus¨), SON OF YHWH (¨God¨) is Returning Soon!!! Www.GodWinsAlways.BlogSpot.Com , Peace and LOVE Always!!! Shalom!!! WEBSITES
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:31:17 +0000

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