LAUGHING I’m glad everyone had a smile and a laugh at my wigs - TopicsExpress


LAUGHING I’m glad everyone had a smile and a laugh at my wigs today. I was smiling at all of your comments. You don’t have to worry about seeing me wearing one in public. I’ll keep the bald look. ADVICE: If you are diagnosed with cancer, or any life-threatening disease, you have two choices. 1. You can wallow in self-pity, sink into depression, give up hope and just fade away. 2. You can reach out for support from family, friends and even strangers. A hundred voices praying in unison are a lot louder than one voice whispering. These supporters are your outside resources to cope. However, I believe YOU can help yourself tremendously with one simple thing. Keep or develop a sense of humor! Do crazy things, like funny wigs, to laugh at your self and make others laugh with you. Do and say things to make others smile or laugh. It’s impossible to worry and laugh at the same time. You can’t change what happenED to you, but you can change what happENS to you and others. I didn’t feel too bad today but not quite good enough to go to Smokey Joe’s Café. So, we gave the tickets to Kylie, Linda’s daughter, and her husband Ben. They get to see live entertainment and we get to watch live kids! We have Linc and Ollie while they enjoy a night out. The reason I asked about Pink Panther is for two days now, I have received Pink Panther movies in the mail. No information as to who sent them. I’m just curious. But, I do enjoy Peter Sellers and the Pink Panther films. My favorite Peter Sellers film is “The Party”. Well, I’m heading off to bed soon. I was falling asleep in the chair. Have a good night everyone.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 00:10:14 +0000

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