LAUREN SEMRAUS LAST YEAR OF FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES THUS FAR: 1. I am a TA for a class. The professor hands me a stack of syllabuses. I proceed to drop them. A boy nicely leans over to pick them up, and I do that awkward shuffle around him. My butt hit his head. 2. I went to an advising appointment. I dropped everything I had in the advising office. The adviser felt so bad for me that she asked me if everything was really okay and if I wanted her to zip my backpack. 3. In my German class, we had to introduce our partners. I was introducing everybody in my class to my partner, and all of a sudden, loud music starts obnoxiously playing. IT WAS COMING FROM MY BACKPACK. Everybody was already looking at me, but my iPod decided to SPONTANEOUSLY TURN ON AND PLAY MUSIC I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD BEFORE. And then, since I was in German class, I had to figure out how to say how sorry I was in German and convince everybody that it wasnt my phone because I dont even have a smart phone. 4. I just cooked for the first time in my life. I made chili. It took me an hour to prepare, and the kitchen was a mess. There was kidney bean juice on the wall, and onions on the floor, and raw beef wedged underneath the oven. So I cook it for 45 minutes on the stove. And then, when I taste the chili, its cold. SO I GO BACK TO THE OVEN. And I realized that I HAD THE WRONG BURNER ON FOR 45 MINUTES. SO NOW I HAVE CHILLY CHILI. 5. I left my keys in my apartment. The door locks as soon as it shuts. So I had to figure out how to get my roommates key. She is an angel and got me her key while she was working. I made the chili for her. And shes trying to act like microwaved, uncooked chili is actually delicious.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 02:27:56 +0000

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