LAUTECH POLITICS: Before BLOOD Flows… The level of political - TopicsExpress


LAUTECH POLITICS: Before BLOOD Flows… The level of political intolerance in our politicking heightens, grows and approaches an alarming proportion. This situation is worrisome and the worries are not without basis especially going by the level of political sadism emanating from lack of tolerance associated with the bigotry and dogmatism of some members of the various socio-political organizations in our campus. Their unwillingness to accepting (accommodating, living and putting up with, and respecting) the views and ideas of other students who beg to differ in opinions; they believe that their views, beliefs and aspirations are absolute which all must follow without question; anybody who dares to differ faces two hard realities: bend-over or face dare consequence. These individuals are not willing to let others act, speak or think differently from their opinions or views. They refuse to give space to fairness politics, and tolerate dissent from other students, through a rejection of their diverse views. Anybody who expresses divergent views is labelled and dismissed as a sell-out, rebel or traitor. In many instances, intimidation and harassment is their reaction to views of people they consider inconsistent with theirs. Furthermore, the political intolerance is now unfathomable thus worrisome to see many of us creating a superfluous hatred for other students who doesn’t belong to the same organization and school of thought with us, and we can do anything and stop at nothing to badmouth and backstab them using any means at our disposal: from spreading false information, character assassination, name mudslinging, campaign of calumny, and even plot their elimination from any contest or living. It also sad to know that we don’t be of help to ourselves anymore- friends, departmental mates, roommates, relatives, even blood brothers, and when we do, it’s with distrust and suspicion. We intimidate and maim others because of their political views, beliefs or association. We see them as enemies who should be avoided or better eliminated. The case of Adekola Taiwo who went missing last semester (on October 11, 2014, to be precise) is one that signalled how heightening the level of this intolerance has gone. Adekola Taiwo, is the Honourable representing 200level constituency of Biochemistry Department at the House of Parliament of the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. Before he went missing, he was traumatized emotionally due to life threatening messages he received from some individuals, because of his good rapport with the members of other socio-political organizations, those these individuals regard to as FOES and mark-out as threats to their inundate ambitions. He was tagged a mole and labelled a traitor. Later, Taiwo pitched his tent with the organization which those he has good rapport with belong, a move these bigoted individuals saw as a betrayal of trust and loyalty. He was intimidated and harassed! These individuals failed to realize the fact that there is freedom of association and he (Taiwo) has the right to join any organization he so pleases. He was eventually attacked metaphysically and spellbound (by God-knows who) and made to embark on a journey of no-return- a journey to nowhere. Adekola Taiwo narrated his ordeal in an interview with members of the press: “It was on Friday, October 11, I was in a tutorial class when I heard a strange voice calling my name and ordered me to move out of the school and keep going with no direction. Id lost my sense and I couldnt resist the order and the instructions of the strange voice. I could recall that I went out through the school main gate and boarded a taxi going to Ilorin. I was unconsciously roaming about the streets of Ilorin. I boarded a motor from Ilorin to Offa- all out my mind. I passed the night in an unknown place at Offa in the midst of strangers, in a raining dark, thick night. Early in the morning, the evil voice directed me to Osogbo and I obeyed; I left Offa for Osogbo on the directive of this evil voice. It was while roaming the street of Osogbo that fate led me to meet my sister, and all of a sudden the evil cocoon on my eyes got removed; I regained my sense. I was told that I became unconscious at that spot and I was in serious trauma. I was told that I was first admitted at Lautech Teaching Hospital before my parent took me home for orthodox treatment. I was able to recollect all what happened after the treatment. I was even told that my condition was critical to the extent that I couldnt recognize anybody for 4 days, but all thanks to God, Im now okay.”, An excerpt. At this moment in time, if we seek no caution in our approach to politicking, the situation will eventually lead to large scale violence, including assassination of contestants, opponents and even innocent students; which will no doubt affect our institution’s image, and we’ll all suffer bad reputation; not only the individuals who intimidate, maim and assassinate others for their divergent views. It will not only taint the image of our institution but discredit our credentials as products of an institution of learning founded on the principles of Academic and Moral Excellence, and Integrity. It is therefore imperative that we TOLERATE, create and maintain a supportive political culture devoid of mutual distrust and suspicion. We’re all one-family- brothers and sisters, who deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and TOLERANCE, even in the face of divergences of views, beliefs, values, association and political differences. We should all embrace the spirit of Love, Peace and Unity, and become each other’s keeper, rather than making wars over political differences. Please, please and please, We MUST all learn to be TOLERANT, please! Oluwatomilola Boyinde, TOMINIGERIA, PRO, Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ) & All-Nigeria United Nations Students’ and Youth Association (ANUNSA), LAUTECH. Oluwatomilola2@gmail, @TomiNigeria, 08032434218, 2AF2EB9D. SHARE and SAVE a LIFE Today. Yours It Might Be.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:04:34 +0000

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