LAW OF EXPECTATION By DR SRK IYER Counselling - TopicsExpress


LAW OF EXPECTATION By DR SRK IYER Counselling Psychologist, Yoga Therapist & Advocate Expect the best. And get it. It is one of the famous adage. Psychology says that through the process of expectation, we can create the life situation what we want. It is called Law of Expectation. What we expect, will come to us. We can expect to have a peaceful life, happiness, etc. And by expecting continuously, what we expect will enact in our lives. Continuous expectation produces a thought vibration which seeps into our sub conscious mind and thereby our sub conscious mind helps the expected expectation to fructify in our lives. For example, if we are attending a job interview, by expecting a fruitful outcome, our confidence level boosts up which helps us to attend the interview successfully. Likewise, in a sales situation expecting that you will get the order, will clear the cobwebs of doubts in our mind and thereby we perform well in that sales situation and eventually we will be able to grab the order. This Law of Expectation can be applied to various life situation. Psychologists opine that expecting that we will be healed, will accelerate the healing process. Expecting that our prayers will be answered, will develop belief and faith in our prayers and thereby our prayers are answered. Expecting good health will help ourselves to develop good help. Law of Expectation will help us to ward off doubts in our minds, neutralize fears, counteract insecurity, etc.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 15:02:21 +0000

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