LAW OF THE LAND: Finally, the Supreme Court says, He owes - TopicsExpress


LAW OF THE LAND: Finally, the Supreme Court says, He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their Rights. The Sovereign individual does not have to pay taxes. If you should discuss Hale v. Henkel with a run-of-the-mill attorney, he or she will tell you that the case is old and that it has been overturned. If you ask that attorney for a citation of the case or cases that overturned Hale v. Henkel, there will not be a meaningful response. We have researched Hale v. Henkel and here is what we found : We know that Hale v. Henkel was decided in 1905 in the U. S. Supreme Court. Since it was the Supreme Court, the case is binding on all courts of the land, until another Supreme Court case says it isnt. Has another Supreme Court case overturned Hale v. Henkel? The answer is NO. As a matter of fact, since 1905, the Supreme Court has cited Hale v. Henkel a total of 144 times. A fact more astounding is that since 1905, Hale v. Henkel has been cited by all of the federal and STATE appellate court systems a total of over 1600 times. None of the various issues of this case has ever been overruled. So if the STATE through the office of the judge continues to threaten or does imprison you, they are trying to force you into the STATE created office of person. As long as you continue to claim your Rightful office of Sovereign, the STATE lacks all jurisdictions over you. The STATE needs someone filling the office of person in order to continue prosecuting a case in their Courts. A few weeks in jail puts intense pressure upon most persons. Jail means the loss of job opportunities, separation from loved ones, and the piling up of debts. Judges will apply this pressure when they attempt to arraign you. When brought in chains before a crowded courtroom the issue of counsel will quickly come up and you can tell the court you are In Propria Persona or simply PRO PER, as yourself and you need no other. Do not sign their papers or cooperate with them because most things about your life are private and are not the STATEs business to evaluate. Here is the Sovereign Peoples command in the constitution that the STATE respect their privacy: Right of privacy -- Every man or woman has the Right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into their private life except as otherwise provided herein. This section shall not be construed to limit the publics Right of access to public records and meetings as provided by law. See U.S. Constitution, Ninth Amendment If the judge is stupid enough to actually follow through with his threats and send you to jail, you will soon be released without even being arraigned and all charges will be dropped. You will then have documented prima facie grounds for false arrest and false imprisonment charges against him personally. Now that you know the hidden evil in the word person, try to stop using it in everyday conversation. Simply use the correct term, MAN or WOMAN. Train yourself, your family and your friends to never use the derogatory word person ever again. This can be your first step in the journey to get yourself free from all STATE control. Non sibi sed patriae UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL! It is time to water the tree of Liberty. A Republic can only survive by its Patriots spilling the blood of tyrant predators. Educate, Defend, UNITE! From Kevin Mulloy
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:41:13 +0000

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