LAWLESSNESS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA AND OBAMA DOES NOTHING ABOUT IT...WE ARE LIVING IN A TIME WHEN THEY SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL IS GOOD... After the Grand Jury proclaimed the innocence of the police officer who shot Michael Brown, his step dad told protestors to burn down the down of Ferguson. Mind you, it is illegal to cry fire in a crowded theater so it is certainly illegal to stand in a middle of a crowd of protesters demanding that they burn down the town. But even if police and prosecutors were to look the other way and ignore the incendiary plea to burn Ferguson the first time Louis Head whipped up the crowd into a frenzy, what about the second time he said it? or the third time? or the fourth? or the tenth? Thats right. Louis Head made the demand to burn down the town of Fergusson ten separate times. So why wasnt he arrested for saying this? What if it were reversed and some angry white guy demanded that a town was burned down because a Back policeman shot a white man ? What is with this blatant double standard of allowing angry black protestors to get away with inciting riots and demanding that the town of Ferguson is burned to the ground? https://youtube/watch?v=SmhALmMKbkg&list=UU0idYat-HCpwk-qOsNwVhew&index=2
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:54:56 +0000

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