LAY A SOLID FOUNDATION; Be The Broken Man! -Part Two When - TopicsExpress


LAY A SOLID FOUNDATION; Be The Broken Man! -Part Two When you take an egg to eat, you either boil it, fry it, drink it, etc (depending on your choice)! But before any of these can be done, one needs to hit/break the egg, so that the yolk/albumen in it, can come out and it can be used for the purpose you desire; isnt it? Without breaking the egg, its contents remain in it! The outer part needs to be taken off, for the inner part to be revealed!!! In the same vein, any man God must use, must be prepared to be broken! He must be a man that is ready to die daily to self and let go off the pleasures of this world! A man cannot hold on to the passions of the world and still hold on to God; NO! You have to let go off one for the other! You must be ready to let go off the ownership of your life and submit it at Gods feet! A man God will use must be ready to die to fame/status/titles; and cling daily to the cross, forsaking all for the sake of Christ; living ONLY for His glory! A man God must use, will always remember that he is just a container in God hands, and without Gods contents in him, he is useless; thereby seeing no need to exalt self but Christ alone! A man God must use, will not be careless in his movements, nor thread like others do; but know that he is a target, so be vigilant always! A man God must use, will not be a talkative; but be a man of few but graced, powerful words! A man God must use, will be a man that patterns his life after Christ, so as not to end up in shambles! Galatians 2:19,20: For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. My beloved brothers/sisters, for God to use us, we must be ready and willing to be the broken man! Until the works of flesh in a man is dealt with, such may not be used by God! Until the tares/chaff preventing the revelation of a wheat, is sieved away; such wheat may not be used for the special purpose! A man may be loaded with great gifts/talents by God, but if he refuses to let God help him discover it; he remains irrelevant! A man may be greatly anointed by God, but battling with lust and pride; if he refuses to let God break him, as to deal with that, he may not be useful in the kingdom of God or may even be cut short on his journey! Before God uses a man, He takes His time to patiently beat such man into His desired shape and bring out the gold in him/her! The earlier a man responds to the breaking/beating God brings; the easier and faster he moves to his next level. Beloved, we all have one responsibility or the other to do in the body of Christ, as long as we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! Failure of a man to perform his duties and fulfil his purpose for creation, or use the talents/gifts that God has given him, makes him an unprofitable servant! Mathew 25:30 says: And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Or perhaps, you are not part of the body of Christ, been cut off by sin, why not return to God now, and be enlisted as a soldier for Christ...! Youll give account of your life to the Master! Remember, any tree that beareth not fruit will be cut down, and destroyed! You cannot be neutral! Either you are for God or the devil; the choice is yours! But Ill implore you to choose Christ because with Him, you have eternal life! Make that choice today!!! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:56:54 +0000

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