LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE 1Tim 6:12, “Fight the good fight of - TopicsExpress


LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE 1Tim 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses”. There is only one fight that the scripture regarded as a good fight and that is the good fight of faith which is defined as laying hold on eternal life. Eternal life as rightly described by our Lord Jesus Christ is not just longevity of life as many may presume but knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent (John 17:3). Eternal life is relationship with God, to come into fellowship with God, become a partaker of his very nature and have life as he has it. We that believe on the name of the Son of God have eternal life (1John 5:11-13, John 1:4). We received eternal life at new birth we were born into and of the God-kind and order of life (2Cor 5:17). Every life has its own realities, that is, things that are peculiar to it or that one possess as a result of being a partaker of that kind of life. The natural life we received at birth open to us the realities of sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch and everything that comes as a result of our interaction with this physical world. So also eternal life has its realities and these are things that we possess as a result of our relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Therefore, laying hold on eternal life is to lay hold on all that the redemptive work of Christ has brought us into or made us to be a partaker of. Our fight as Christians is not now against devil or demons but we fight to stand our ground on what we believe have already been done on our behalf and all we have come to be a partaker of in Christ. With the eye of faith we look at the things that are not seen which are eternal and not at our temporary realities that are quite glaring to our physical senses. Just like our father Abraham as written in Apostle Paul account of his walk of faith in Rom 4:17-21, He believed God and consider not the realities that was so glaring to him, the deadness of his body and of Sarah’s womb, what he chose to see and consider was the unseen realities that God spoke to him,” I have made you the father of many nations”. And in no time the temporal reality gave way for the eternal. Beloved, there are realities beyond what is seen that God has prepared for us his children of love to have; these realities are revealed to us by his Spirit 1Cor 2:9-10. All the Christian life is about is to diligently take heed to and believe these unseen real states or conditions (realities) contrary to what is glaring or real to our senses so as to give physical expression to these spiritual realities to the glory of God. Know that in Christ we are no longer debtor to the flesh to live after the flesh (Rom 8:12), we are no longer limited to the impulse of our senses, we not just mere man, we are join with Christ and we are one spirit with him, we have the life of God in us, we are a different breed of man, our realities are of God kind (John 3:8) because as Christ is so are we in this world, we represent him bodily on earth (1John 4:17). We are believers, so we don’t say and do what the situation or circumstances warrant but we declare and carry out what we believe, the word of God is our life and it defines our living, this is how we lay hold on eternal life. We know that temptation do arise and come for the word sake (Mark 4:17) however we do not cast away our confidence in the word which have great recompense of reward being fully persuaded that he that have promised us is well able also to perform what he has spoken. God’s word that proceed out of his mouth will not return to Him void, but it shall accomplished what He please and shall prosper in the things God sent it. So lay hold on the word, the word is spirit and is life (John 6:63). The word of God is the substance of eternal life, laying hold on it by unwavering faith in it, is laying hold on eternal life by this you enjoying life the way God have it. God himself live by his word, so to operate in the life of God kind is to live by the word and to live by the word is to live life indeed. Shalom
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:37:07 +0000

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