LAZARUS By Yamin Farhat. To Martha’s home Jesus was bound Mary - TopicsExpress


LAZARUS By Yamin Farhat. To Martha’s home Jesus was bound Mary stayed home but still was found. Bethany was the town They gathered to, when Jesus was around. His name is Lazarus and we know That Jesus loved him, the Bible says so. From Bethany, the messengers came Come, Master come, for thy friend’s sake. Their brother Lazarus was so ill The word received, He stayed there still. But all he said, when His word could heal “This sickness shall the Son reveal.” Jesus, did hear and thus he said “This sickness is not unto death.” For glory of the God, will be His Son is glorified, they’ll see. Because with them his love did rest The trio in this town was blest. Disciples told He, Lazarus just slept They thought for sickness it was best. And two days hence, he then would leave Along the way, he would receive. When Mary met him, from her rest The news was bad, so Jesus wept. The mourners who had gathered round Follow the sisters, who long had found. Their comfort from their Lord derived He’d not have died, had you arrived. Then Mary, to the Lord thus said “Had you been here, he’d not be dead. But this I know, that what has passed God will give thee, if you do ask.” “Thy brother, he will rise” the Lord did say Martha replied, “In resurrection on the last day.” The Resurrection, Life, I am he Believe in me, of death you’ll be free. “Show me the place, where he is laid” And thanked his God, then thus He bade. “Come forth Lazarus” then he hailed And from the tomb, the dead is bailed. And in John’s gospel, thus is said Some Jews who gathered there, then led To Caiaphas who heard what they said, To make his plans, so Jesus is dead. Six days from Passover, with them he supped At table with him, Lazarus sat up. His sister Mary brought spikenard forth Anointing His feet, got some distraught. Now legends, they do go around The one from death brought back, had found. A faith, and then in Gaul he’d preach To build God’s church, his faith could reach. And I, Thank God for all he doth For giving me these lines, that bust The death of faithless souls that must, Seek God, who taught mankind to trust. And in these lines, I hope you’ll find Of faith in God, you’ll not be blind. God just will give, if you do ask And in that resurrection, you too will bask. November 28, 2012 Copyright. (2012) Yamin Farhat Publications P. O. Box 7984 Atlanta, Georgia 30357
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 01:47:23 +0000

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