LCCLC: USA PRESS RELEASE FROM CODE-USA ON THE US-AFRICA SUMMIT URGENT CALL TO ALL AFRICAN PATRIOTS IN THE UNITED STATES On August 6th 2014 at 10am, Cameroonians and all African patriots in the United States are cordially invited to the State Department in WDC to boo on the US-Africa Leaders Summit of Shame. Let draw couple comparisons to highlight the shameful face of this Summit with wrong Africans. PRESIDENT ROBERT GABRIEL MUGABE of ZIMBABWE 90 year old and 26 years in power He is NOT ATTENDING. He rules the country in a said severe dictatorship and autocracy. PRESIDENT PAUL BIYA of CAMEROON 81 year old and 32 years in power He is ATTENDING. He will shake hands with the U.S President because he has only 32 years in power and he is ranking 4th worst dictator of the world. Recalling February 2008, he gunned down 235 of his civilians who was peacefully protesting to express their bitterness for the misery and creeping famine in the country facing the amendment of the constitution to allow this king to last forever in power where he calls himself advanced democrat, but the international Community surprisingly turned blind and dumb. What is a shame to seeing him with the US president today! President Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir of SUDAN 70 years old and 25 years in power He is NOT ATTENDING. He is currently charged by the International Criminal Court (ICC), for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Darfur. He is under international arrest warrant. President TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA of EQUATORIAL GUINEA 71 years old and 35 years in power He is ATTENDING. He ousted his uncle, Francisco Macías Nguema, in an August 1979 military coup and has overseen Equatorial Guineas emergence as an important oil producer, beginning in the 1990. Some international observers consider his regime to be one of the most corrupt under tyranny; On October 2006, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had raised concerns about the proposal to build the new embassy on land owned by Obiang himself. The Forbes magazine suggested Obiang has gathered roughly $700 million of the countrys wealth in US bank accounts. Nguemas opponents have accused him of cannibalism; specifically, of consuming parts of his enemies in order to gain power. Isn’t it shameful for these types of African to represent Africans side by side with the president of the US? President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso 63 years Old and 27 years in power He is ATTENDING. Under Thomas Sankaras leadership from 1983 to 1987, Blaise Compaoré was his deputy and was a member of the National Revolutionary Council. In October 1987 he led a coup détat that killed his step brother President Thomas Sankara; subsequently he constantly won self organized elections in 1991, 1998, 2005, and 2010 that were mostly boycotted by the opposition for anticipated obvious lack of transparency. Today he is planning a heavy blood shield in his country by the Amendment of Presidential Term Limits (Article 37) President Compaoré has been in power for more than two decades; after his first two terms, he modified the constitution to reduce the duration of presidential term from 7 to 5 years and apply term limits. This would mean that President Compaoré is in his last term (until the end of 2015). In June 2014 Compaorés ruling party called on him to organize a referendum that would allow him to alter the constitution in order to seek re-election in 2015. Remarkably 90% of the ruling party leadership disagreed and joined the opposition. The stage on the ground is nothing but blood and the international community is quiet waiting casualties to act. It will be a shame that such a man meet the president of US at this time. President Obama, tell us one thing. What is the exact profile of the African leaders with whom you plan to converse on behalf of the African people and their future? Now, make no mistake: History is on the side of these brave Africans that you might have exclude to this forum, not necessary with those who use coups or change constitutions to stay in power. You knew it. Africa doesnt need strongmen, it needs strong institutions (President Barack Obama; International Conference Center Accra, Ghana July 11, 2009). Right or Wrong today? Facing these straight confusions and contradictions, we can croon “ PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SHAME ON YOU FOR LAUNDERING DIRTY DICTATORS AFRICAN LEADERS UNDER OUR NOSES TO THE NAME OF SUMMIT”. All those who believe Africans can do better without these dictators, please join us this Wednesday August 6th, 2014 at 6AM to say no to this summit of Shame. From the Political Office of the CODE-USA The president of CODE-USA: Mr. Napi Tagnidoung, papanapi@gmail +12034342832.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:46:29 +0000

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