[LEADERBOARD UPDATE] A red letter day here in Dogspotting. As - TopicsExpress


[LEADERBOARD UPDATE] A red letter day here in Dogspotting. As the season winds down its normal to have a point spike due to the competition for the Big Prize for the #1 spotter of the year. Some folks even save a large amount of spots to submit right before the final bell as a strategy. This may have just occurred folks. In a shocking move, ИВАН ЛЕГЕНДА черной шляпе has just taken the #1 overall spot with a whopping 1,293 points and Barry Thorpe, who has been dominating this year, is now at #2. The staff here at Dogspotting are amazed and scratching our heads over this latest development. With such a gulf in points we dont know how anyone could catch up to ИВАН ЛЕГЕНДА черной шляпе for the Big Prize. Additional news: David Thorpe, Dogspottings own Jimmy Carter, has organized another Dogspotting Summit to take place in Jeff Wallens grandfathers villa in Argentina on Dec 22nd. It is a beautiful location built shortly after WW2. We have much to discuss as Reformed Dogspotting continues to refine and establish the rules and point systems to make the game as fun and competitive as possible. We will be investigating upgrading the current rules into an easy to read powerpoint slide format among other great topics of debate. Also, there will be pie. Stay tuned, and keep spotting. Were coming down to the wire!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:52:43 +0000

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