LEADERSHIP – DISCIPLINE (CONDUCT, ORDERLINESS, REGULATION, SELF CONTROL, ETC) – At State (National) & Individual / Personal Level ~ Evaluation and Development at National Level, and Elements and Methodology at Individual Level to Improve Discipline in a Growing Society: Discipline is a Subjection to rules / principles / duties; Submissiveness to Order and Control; a Habit of Obedience by citizens (people) at individual level as well as national level; Systems of Rules of Conduct e.g. Constitution and Law of Land. Discipline is the individual as well as group of people ‘Attitude’ that ensures prompt obedience to orders and initiation of appropriate action in absence of orders. Discipline is a State of Mind that Produces a Readiness for Willing, and Intelligent Obedience and Appropriate Conduct. Good Discipline is constant and functions whether or not outside pressure or supervision is present. At Individual level, Discipline is a fundamental element in obtaining goals, dreams and desires. Discipline is what keeps us going when times are tough and not going our way. It makes the bad times easier to get through. We must constantly practice, repeat, and believe in our purpose. Discipline sometimes requires some ‘sacrifice’ to reach the end goal. Having discipline means being ‘very structured’ in our approach to reach our goal. Therefore, Discipline ensures goals remains on track. 1. FACTORS TO EVALUATE THE STATE OF DISCIPLINE AT NATIONAL LEVEL: A. Adherence to Constitution and Law by State Institutions and Citizens B. Devotion to Duties by Civil Servants C. Promptness in responding to duties, orders, instructions, etc by the state functionaries concerned D. Adherence to the chain of command and to each tier of government as per rules of business / conduct E. Ability and willingness to perform effectively with little or no supervision F. The degree of initiative exercised and resourcefulness displayed G. Pre – emptive actions before the crises situation develop H. Personal Conduct, Behaviour and Discipline of Leader or Head of Institution 2. Development: The following measures are recommended for the development and improvement of the standard of discipline ~ A. Personal Conduct and Example by the Leader or Head of Institutions B. The Judicial Institutions be Unbiased, fair and impartial in orders and their judgments C. Equitable distribution of resources, privileges and rewards by Executives (government) among the deserving D. Encouraging and Fostering the development of self – discipline among the people E. Good Policing System F. Delegating Authority and Freedom of Action to lower tiers of government as per the constitution G. Transparency and Merits in all facets of state actions 2. ELEMENTS AND METHODOLOGY TO IMPROVE DISCIPLINE AT INDIVIDUAL LEVEL ~ A. Elements: 1) Purpose - What is your goal, desires, vision - aim. Be clear with where you want to go and the outcome you want. Have End Result in Focus. This will give you direction to know what you need to be disciplined in. Share this with everyone so you can be accountable to it. 2) Plan - Write down the plan of how to get there. What are your milestones/ levels, how will you measure success, which is needed (resources) to support this concept? Your plan is your blueprint to tell you how to get to your desired state. 3) Mini rewards - When you’re on the path to achieving your goal, dreams or desires, you need some motivation along the way. It may take awhile before you get to your final destination. Mini rewards provide meaning to what you are doing now and it feels good, giving you the motivation to continue on your goal. This motivation allows you to keep your eye on the prize and remain focused. 4) Trust - You must trust your purpose and plan. If you put the proper energy and effort into the first two elements, then you have a solid plan. Nothing is perfect so when things aren’t exactly going to plan, trust you have a good foundation and you’re on the right path. Of course you need to perform some course correction to get back on track, but don’t scrap the plan or goal because it’s not easy or got off track. This is when discipline becomes so important so we don’t revert back to old ways. B. Methodology ~ Discipline Components Cycle: Intention, Attention, Repetition, and Guidance to Update and Erase Un-necessaries: Intention: All practices or disciplines have a quality of intentionality. We enter into them with an intention to have some quality of our lives be different. If we do not actively will that change, we wont change. Attention: We will have to pay attention...close attention...attending to things we havent noticed before. We will not create transformation in our lives without focusing. Repetition: Getting it right once is not going to be the end of it. We will have to do it over and over and over. We will have continue to do it until it becomes second nature...to where it becomes not just something we are doing but an aspect of who we are. Guidance: We will not know best how to do this all on our own. We have to ask for help and then accept the guidance we are offered. Others have gone before and learned some things which will make this more easily available to us if we simply open ourselves to their guidance. But there is another source of guidance which comes from within. We have an inner knowing which can also guide us. Refresh (Re-cycle / Renew): Intention: It is our intention to respond to the circumstances of our lives in a manner which creates what we need (as opposed to what we want) and to trust that when we do so, with no expectation that others will change, we will not only create what we need but also create the circumstances in which others will get what they need. Attention: We will note whatever it is that bothers us, as it is those irritations which alert us to the fact that we are not getting what we need. We will pay attention to how our behavior affects others so we can be certain that we are creating the outcomes we desire. And we will pay attention to how others behavior affects us so that we can fully appreciate how we are constructed by our relationship to the world around us. Repetition: Recognizing that the world continually arises for us in ways we dont like, and noticing that there are patterns of conflict which arise for us, we will select those patterns which bother us the most or which appear most frequently to practice on such that we can know clearly what it is that happens, how we are affected, what we need, and what we can do to construct what we need. We will welcome each opportunity to refine our skills at Creative Conflict Resolution. Guidance: the external guidance--a map for the territory of the conflicts we all encounter. But there is an internal guide we will learn to listen to. It is the core of our being, our true Self, which ultimately can confirm whether what we are doing will construct what we and all of creation need. CONCLUSION: Discipline is necessary both at individual and group level. It is complimentary, essential and dependant on each other. A Disciplined Individuals part of a Disciplined Group, Society resulting into a Disciplined Organization / State or Nation.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 08:33:09 +0000

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