LEARD STATE FOREST is about to be ripped down There has been a - TopicsExpress


LEARD STATE FOREST is about to be ripped down There has been a small bunch of legends LIVING in the State Forest for almost a year.... With 54 % of the Forest about to be RIPPED DOWN... if you cant make it out there yourself to come camping and be an Activist / protester with us to HELP SAVE LEARD FOREST --- THEN --- I am asking you all to look under your back steps, look under your house, look behind the garden shed... for anything on this list that you can Donate to the LEARD FOREST LEGENDS.... I am leaving Brisbane around Tuesday the 15th of October 2013. This is roughly when the DEMOLITION CREW arrives to start tearing down the approver 54 % of Leard State Forest... Here is a list of things that you may regard as Rubbish... BUT with upto 500 people living in a small State Forest Campzone... HAPPINESS AND HEALTH are not easy... One kitchen, one cooking area, one toilet !!!!! SO.... I want make sure, CAMPING food is available and a safe and hygienic area is kept to maintain health.... One person gets really sick... the whole camp could get it... I can COME PICK UP the gear... I am doing a trip to IPSWICH and RED-BANK PLAINS tomorrow 6/10/13 to grab a lot of gear.... Please let me know if you can drop anything off to my house in the next two weeks.. Acacia Ridge area... OR LET ME KNOW what you have from the list below.. (or something else I forgot) and I can come pick it up.. PLEASE REMEMBER .. this is a remote camp site in a state forest... SO there is very limited SOLAR charging station.... This what you might like to take with you on a YEAR LONG CAMPING TRIP..... sorry . I meant NEED to take with you..... YOUR NAME will be kept on the item forever .. and please write a small message of support of acknowledgement on your gift to the LEARD LEGENDS..... Here we go 1. 20 KG sacks of food.. (potatoes , onions, carrots, lettuce) 2. Long Thick Rope & Think Chain – for towing and pulling things 3. Camping cooking pots / pans/ utensils 4. tents / swags / sleeping bags 5. old jumpers, shoes, wide brim hats, jeans 6. IBC containers / PVC pipe / GREEN HOUSE SHADE CLOTH MATERIAL !!!!! 7. torches / head-lamps / rechargeable batteries 8. SOLAR panels / GOOD solar deep cycle batteries / Power inverter / Power converter 9. Camping toilet / shower / personal hygiene things (toothpaste – organic body wash / shampoo / conditioner) 10. Fuel / diesel or petrol / kero / metho / Gas bottles 11. Fridge system – small camping fridge / freezer that can be run in the future off solar.. (so LOW WATTS) 12. Canvas – Tarps – shade cloths 13. Hand Held tools – Hacksaw, wood saw, axe, shovel, hammer, nails, screws, hand held / mad powered drill... etc 14. NON perishable food – Big bags of rice, cans, long life milk, ORGANIC SEEDS !!!! (ANY type) FLOUR / SUGAR / SALT / SAUCES / SPICES / SPREADS / cooking stuff... 15. ANTI FLY / MOZZI stuff - ( nets, catchers, swatters, clothes etc) 16. Spray Cans / Banner signs / blackboards or B-B paint / chalk / normal paint / brushes 17. PEOPLE !!!! yes .. HUMANS !!! we need people out there in the next couple of weeks to help ME and the 100 + by then AWESOME AUSSIES to run-a-muck and all work together to bring an end to this dodgy dodgy dodgy mining.. (and now from all angles !! workers getting screwed badly also) PLEASE google map LEARD STATE FOREST !!! People will be leaving from Brizzy – Sydney (goldy . Byron , toowoomba etc etc etc) 18. Cash Donations... The Camp boss thinks $5000 is not too much to ask.. and would go a very very very long way in camp.... I will be finalising a Donation / Fundraising page today.... and I hope the Radio Stations and at least one bank in Brisbane will help get us to this SMALL target... (small in comparison to the fight these people have on their hands) The simple fact that Aussies think Mining is the best thing for our economy and Country as a whole, shows how disillusioned the Australian People Truly are … PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG.. and help the LEARD LEGENDS make this protest / activism / fight go a whole lot smoother 19. HAY – for horses DOG FOOD – for all the dogs running around camp.. I counted 10 at one point.... ( PS CAMP IS FRIENDLY DOG FRIENDLY … ) 20. BOOKS / NOVELS .. only positive / uplifting / informative books thanks... (no mags or twilight shit) 21. TOILET PAPER !!!!!!! Dish clothes, scrubbing gear for bush kitchen and thick burnt camping pots and pans... 22. Beanbags / camping chairs / OLD SOFA BEDS !!!!!! (sofa couch / bed will make a great addition at the main cooking spot.. plus double for extra sleeping space for the LATE ARRIVAL at night to camp (of which we had many – and wasnt easy for them to set up their camp / tent in pitch black...... SO.. pull out sofa will be amazing ) WE WILL ALREADY HAVE TO TAKE DOWN A big CAGED box trailer to fit one IBC water container and if we get a sofa bed off someone .. that will be all the BIG stuff we can fit..... THANKYOU THANK YOU THHHAAANNKKKK YYYOOOOOOU !!!! to the small few who have already donated a whole heap of stuff from power converters ( WHICH IS SO NEEDED to convert the solar power harnessed into laptop and phone and camera charging power) few pots n pans and fly / mozzi nets coming in..... CHEERS SO SO SO SO SO MUCH.... I couldnt do this without your support.. and to have a bunch of strangers support a bloke in a mullet to give gear to total strangers that are trying to save a State Forest you have never heard of...... NOW THAT IS MAGICAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RdY p.s again ippy and R-B plains run tomorrow SUNDAY at 10am sunday 6/10/13... if one1 has some stuff out there please let me know by tonight thanks
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:55:48 +0000

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