LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF IS THE KEY by Patricia Cota-Robles November 4, 2014 eraofpeace.org Incredible influxes of Light have bathed the Planet throughout 2014. With the assistance of Humanitys I AM Presences, this Light has created an amazing, though subtle, shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness within every persons heart and mind. We are now able to open our Heart Chakras to new breadths. This is allowing us to Love, and to experience Love, in deeper and more profound ways than we have known since prior to our fall from Grace aeons ago. If we will all take the time to learn how to use our creative faculties of thought and feeling to express the unprecedented frequency of Love we are now receiving from On High, it will greatly enhance our ability to both Love and receive Love. This will transform not only the way we feel about ourselves, it will help us to transform ALL of our relationships into the expressions of Love we have been longing to cocreate. With the miraculous events that have been God Victoriously accomplished so far this year, people everywhere are able to receive new and infinitely more powerful frequencies of Divine Love. The question is, how do we use this greatly accelerated frequency of Divine Love in our personal lives to enhance our relationships and our feelings about ourselves? First and foremost, we must realize that unless we truly Love ourselves and recognize our own Divinity as Sons and Daughters of God, it is impossible for us to genuinely Love another person. That is true no matter how much we think we Love someone or how hard we may try to Love someone else. If we are trapped in low self-esteem or feelings of unworthiness, our relationships will ALWAYS be fragmented and incomplete. At any given moment, our relationships are a mirror reflection of how we think and feel about ourselves. If we do not value ourselves, we magnetize people into our lives who do not value us either. If we want to improve your relationships, we must start valuing and Loving ourselves first. It is just that simple. Our poor self image is the result of a lifetime worth of experiences that we have misinterpreted to mean that we are not good enough, or smart enough, or loveable enough, or thin enough, or good looking enough, or wealthy enough, or every other conceivable misconception we may have bought into according to the way people have treated us or we have treated ourselves. BUT NOW IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO MOVE FORWARD IN THE LIGHT, AND THE ONLY WAY WE CAN DO THAT IS FOR US TO STOP BELIEVING THOSE REDICULOUS LIES!!! That may seem like a monumental task, but actually all that is needed is a slight adjustment in our perception. For a long time now, the Company of Heaven has been flooding Humanitys hearts and minds with powerful tools and insights that are specifically designed to help each and every one of us adjust our perception about who we truly are. The Beings of Light have also given us very practical information and effective tools that will enable us to transform our relationships into what we want them to be.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:49:01 +0000

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