LEAVE Micro-Godzilla ALONE Part 2 Im a SCI-Fi flick fan, - TopicsExpress


LEAVE Micro-Godzilla ALONE Part 2 Im a SCI-Fi flick fan, to the very CORE. Been into these type movies since my early childhood in the 1960s. What I learned from these movies over the years is that they often FORTHTELL new ideas, technologies & gadgets that are coming DOWN the Pike in a decade, or so. For instance, WE Babyboomers SAW the CELL PHONE long before the Militarys OFF-Shoot private contractor, MOTOROLA, began DOWN-sizing the bulky, heavy units used in the late 40s in the war zones. We saw them on a TV Show called STAR Trek. They were the communicators used by Captian Kurt & The Enterprise crew. BEAM me UP, Scottie. KURT OUT.................. Well believe it, or NOT, folks we actually got a glimpse of EBOLA and MARBURG almost 2 decades ago, on TV. Do any of you remember the movie Outbreak in 1995 ? It starred several Hollywood heavyweights: DUSTIN HOFFMAN. MORGAN FREEMAN. CUBA GOODING, Jr. RENE RUSSO. DONALD SUTHERLIN. KEVIN SPACEY. I posted the YOUTUBE Trailor to jar your longterm memory banks. The movie was the story of an Epidemic outbreak in a small California town. The disease was called Motaba not EBOLA. But, it acted just like what we are concerned about right now, here in 2014. Scientists discovered the Virus in Central AFRICA, in The CONGO, I believe. It was a HEMORRHARIC Fever-type disease. (Yo, is all this starting to sound VERY FAMILIAR ? The LIGHT bulb should be FLICKERIN right about now............) The very 1st time I saw this movie, I KNEW it was a TRUE story of OUR Governments secret activities on the Mother Land continent. It made TOO MUCH sense. You cant make up so many Details in the Story like that. OK. NEXT Question. From WHERE did HOLLY Woo get the idea for this movie background & plot ? It got it from a couple of fictional literary Novels. One, entitled The River: A journey back to the source of HIV and AIDS(1999) was by a British authored named EDWARD HOOPER. In Hoopers book, he gives a background on the early investigations into the HIV/AIDS Virus. Hooper points to very STRONG Evidnece that the true cause of AIDS becoming manfested in our species came out of the development of the POLIO Vaccine in the 1950s. Our government went over to Central AFRICA and inoculated over a million African children to TEST the OPV (Oral POLIC Vaccine). Millions of Americans dont know to this day that The Government of THIS nation USED AFRICAN Children has test subjects to FINALIZE the POLIO Vaccine in the mid-1950s. But hey. This aint that SHOCKING. Is it ? I mean, our government used about 200 NEGRO Men, to study SYPHILLIS for some 4 decades, WITHOUT them even KNOWING it ! (For those of you who dont know what Im referring to, CHK OUT the Video on the TUSKEGEE Experiment I have also posted.) Another author by the name of Dr. ROBIN COOK, wrote a book entitled, Outbreak. It was a fictional novel about an imagined outbreak of EBOLA, here in The States. Cooks book was published in 1987. A TV Movie was released in 1995, called Robin Cooks Virus in fact. (I posted a 30-second Trailer of this one for you.) LISTEN folks. All this Epidemic CRAP is NOT about humaniterian crisis. Its about BIG BUSINESS. The BUSINESS of the EXTERMINATION of BILLIONS of members of our species. BY less than a million members of our species. PLAIN and SIMPLE. In Part 3, youll realize WHO the players in The Game are.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:50:23 +0000

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