LEAVE PATIENCE JONATHAN ALONE IN THIS MATTER! I have just read an article by Paul Brown trying to draw the wife of the president of FRN Dame Patience Jonathan into the murky water of Akwa Ibom State gubernatorial politics with an article entitled, ‘DAME PATIENCE EBELE JONATHAN the unseen nemesis of our future’. The feature, written by Paul Brown (Suspected to be a spurious name), merely posted on the internet by Michael Okon, a coordinator of youth groups for the governorship aspiration of Udom Gabriel Emmanuel accused the First lady of trying to finger with the just concluded Ward Adhoc Delegate list earlier submitted to the national secretariat of the party. I have presented the undiluted copy of the petition herewith. But I wish to state as follows: 1. That the wife of MR. President is not an ‘unseen nemesis of our future’ as portrayed by the writer(s) and his/their sponsor. But a virtuous woman with a large heart. 2. The forthcoming governorship election should not be a do-or-die affair, thus, just as aspirants from Uyo Senatorial District took the ‘edict’ of PDP NWC in good faith and abide by same, other aspirants should as well be ready to abide by whatever decisions the party will take, so as to move the party forward. 3. Supporter(s) of a governorship aspirant should not hide under pseudonym account and insult the wife of MR. President as such will indirectly warrant to insulting the president of the federal republic of Nigeria. 4. That Paul Brown and by Extension Michael Okon, should not accuse the wife of MR. President of tampering with adhoc delegate list as the said list is not in her custody but with the national secretariat of the party. 5. That the security chiefs in the country should mandate Michael Okon to account for Paul Brown else face the full weight of the law, since this piece has to a large extent likened the wife of the president to a criminal. 6. They should also understand that, Dame Jonathan is neither an executive member of PDP nor a member of NWC of Party, so how did she manipulate the said list which is always a property of the national secretariat of the party? 7. That the duo should prove beyond reasonable doubt how the wife of the president doctored the said list, else people will be poised to believe that, the petition was an avenue by an aspirant to soil the name of MR. PRESIDENT. 8. This/these writer(s) should inform the public how he/they managed to know that the said ADHOC delegate list has been tampered with, as the document supposed to be sacred until the eve of the party primaries. 9. That if such write-up proliferate again, I and people of like minds shall delve in with a view of exposing the gubernatorial aspirant and supporters that are sponsoring this insult on the precious jewel of Nigeria’s Number one citizen. 10. As true and loyal party men and women, faithful of PDP should accept in earnest the outcome of the forthcoming gubernatorial primaries in the state, and the country at large. 11. That the adage, ‘The Party is supreme’ should be sacrosanct even after the forthcoming primaries. TOROBONG EKPO IS A PUBLIC AFFAIRS ANALYST. Paul Brown wrote: (Merely posted by Michael Okon) DAME PATIENCE EBELE JANATHAN The Unseen Nemesis of Our Future. Considering the poverty of our democracy and the damaging effect it has on our collective freedom,we are compelled to speak this once and again. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,might not understand the destructive tendency his wife,Our first Lady welds as it concerns his re-election come 2015. As Respectable as her office is,we the youths of Akwa Ibom state,wish to state without reservation that she is over playing thus over heating the polity to Their detriment. Mr President Sir, it is no longer hear say,that the unseen hand behind the problems in PDP delegate list result of November 1st 2014 hangs on the neck of our supposed first lady. We would have thought it wise she limited her influence in Port harcourt and Bayelsa,rather than try to foist her unwanted influence in the politics of Akwa Ibom State. We do not think it wise,that at TIMES like this,she should be fingered as the unseen hand attempting to mess our FUTURE for her selfish interest. No doubt her choice of Candidate hails from a near by Village to her home town,though carved in Akwa Ibom State. Her Candidate could as well be the Governor of Bayelsa or Port Harcourt for the affinity could be well accepted and even stronger. In as much as our Democracy is sick,there are some diseases she must not tolerate,and this Political move is one we will RESIST to your Failure at the polls if you do not apply refrain. This is a call to all Youths of Akwa Ibom State to raise and disparage this trickery from the Presidency cum NWC of PDP. We are not a people where decision are made for from beyond our borders. We have worked,toiled, and slaved to have the FUTURE of our dream and NO First Lady,No Muazu,No NWC member will take what is RIGHT and throw it into the trash can of nothingness. Maybe,this is the way for APC to finally have our loyalty,but God forbid. The just concluded delegate election of our great Party(PDP),no doubt saw Elder Udom Gabriel Emmanuel on the Lead,but we hear a different tune from Abuja. It shall not stand. We know what we want as Youths of this great state and non will decide for us from Abuja.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:30:23 +0000

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