LEFTIST ELITST TORONTO GLOBE SHOOTS ITSELF IN BOTH FEET WITH ANTI-FORD EDITORIAL The leftist elitist Toronto Globe, the mouthpiece for the failing Chow campaign, has once again demonstrated that it is the most over-rated newspaper in Canada. For months this Pravda-like rag has been promoting the campaign of Olivia Chow. With Chow, the Globe parked its journalistic integrity at Chow’s campaign office and failed consistently to properly report the enormous political baggage that Chow brought to this campaign. The Globe ignored Chow’s subsidized Hazelburn fiasco, her support of radical extremist groups while a City Councilor, her removal from the Police Service Board for such radical, dangerous conduct, her failure to come clean about her husband’s rub and tug escapades with the Toronto police, her over the top personal and office spending which reached Alison Redfordian excess. In addition, the Globe ignored for months the fact that Chow ‘s public speaking and debating performances were deplorable and laughable. Notwithstanding 30 years in public office, Chow was unable to communicate properly in either official language. She came across uninformed, unintelligent and often confused. Her third rate pro bus, anti-Scarborough subway proposal, was an insult to all Toronto suburbanites north of Eglinton, especially the hard working families of North York and Scarborough. It is no wonder that the Globe’s preferred candidate, Chow, is done like dinner as her campaign hurtles to single digits. Clearly, Chow’s precipitous decline, is also indicative of the Globe’s plummeting influence on Toronto’s body politic. But the Globe has not stopped there. In today’s editorial, the Globe’s desperate and incoherent editorial criticizing Doug Ford’s mayoral race because simply “Toronto deserves better than the Fords”, is another nail in the coffin of the once great newspaper, the Globe. This editorial is superficial tripe, lacking in analysis and depth. The Globe fails to point out that Doug Ford’s major opponent, John Liberal, has been following on the coat tails of the Ford agenda for months: ie the Scarborough subway, fiscal responsibility, privatization of garbage services in east Toronto. But that John Liberal, Kathleen Wynne’s handmaiden, is Ford Lite without the guts and toughness to fight against the unions and the irresponsible tax and spend lefties on Toronto council. The Globe and Mail has been dead wrong about every aspect of this Mayoral race from day one. Yesterday, the Globe’s Marcus Gee claimed that Doug would do worse than Rob. But today, Doug is at 34%, just 7 points short of a very nervous Tory, who is clearly wetting himself. Gee, Gee, you screwed up again. The great city of Toronto deserves better than the Globe- this sorry purveyor of yellow journalism- this tabloid-like rag. If you like this rant, please share it.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 14:17:35 +0000

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