LEGAL BATTLES. 1. NATIONAL CAPITAL OF DELHI- CAVEAT petition has been filed by 30 individuals with a prayer that if any stay petition will by filed to stay the CR in any CAT, the petitioners should be provided with an opportunity to defend the stay petition. 2. CHENNAI. The officers of reserved categories have already prepared the ground work to stay the CR at CAT Chennai on the ground that several CATs have allowed notional promotions and Department has implemented the same for which more nos. of Superintendent occupied the positions than the sanctioned strength. Chandigarh Zone has correctly implemented the same duly reverting the officers, whereas in other zones allowed notional promotions and notional seniority over the sanctioned strength for which these notional promotees got accelerated seniority and they are now eligible for promotion to the post of AC . Hence they want to pray the CAT for reversal of such notional promotees. 3. MUMBAI. A joint meeting will be held on 01.11.2013 for filing of a case to stay the CR and removal of regional disparity in promotion. While Mr. Rao will take the lead from Inspectors front, Mr. Patil will take the lead fro the Superintendents’ front. Mr Pandit will attend such meeting as guest of hounour. N.B. The cabinet approval of CR is likely to be delayed due to objection of DOPT and Ministry of Laws for creation of temporary posts. AICEIA is totally silent on approval of CR, hence now most of the Inspectors want the help Mr. Rao to come forward voluntarily to save the cadres. Target: Let us reunite and reassemble ourselves as a unified force. With the blessings of senior achievers of the AIACEGEO & AICEIA(particularly Mr. Rao, Mr Patil & Mr. Pandit) , a group of young officers of our cadres has been making efforts for the last 4 months to revive the activities of the Central Excise Forum and to resolve the regional disparity in promotion as existed in our cadres. The target is very clear that for the betterment of the cadres, this Forum should be strengthened. All-round sincere efforts have been made by this group . As all of us know that the CBEC is also interested for removal of regional disparity retrospectively. As a united force this group has to be on the alert to see the developments or decisions being taken by the Board for removal of regional disparity. If required a CAT case is required to be filed to stay the CR. This group is to submit representations before the 7th Pay Commission in near future. It is high time to show solidarity. The efforts of the group are targeted for the overall betterment of cadres only. A joint meeting is to held at Mumbai on 01.11.2013 to discuss as to how the regional disparity can be removed. It is an earnest request that all the willing offices should come forward as volunteers to attend the meeting and take part in discussions.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:34:46 +0000

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