LEGALIZE RECREATIONAL POT IN NJ ? DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA TO OBTAIN THE PAPERWORK TO GET IT? BAD MOVE RIGHT NOW WAIT 5 YEARS AND SEE HOW COLORADO DOES, REASON I SAY THIS IS RECENTLY THEY STARTED CRACKING DOWN ON LEGAL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION WHILE DRIVING, AND ILLEGAL PRESCRIPTIONS HARDER, THIS NEW BILL UP FOR VOTE STATES YOU MUST BE 21 YEARS OLD IT IS ANOTHER IMPAIRING WHILE DRIVING OPTION, am I 100 PERCENT AGAINST POT NO I FEEL ONE OF MY CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBER NEEDS IT FOR THE PAIN AND MOOD SWINGS FOR NOT TAKING MAN MADE CHEMICALS THAT HAVE SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS, now as a dad of 2 and business owner ( and not to be a hypocrite, I drink but working on stopping, and during my 20s my drs just wrote pain scrips like they were post its ) but there definatly needs to be more research not on health as I know no one has died from weed, but the social and economic issues economic yes lower taxes for all as pot will be heavily taxed, and pot affects everyone differently bad red on personality, jersey is a high strung live by the clock state, while colorada is known as a little more layed back more relaxed state, instead of legalizing pot please focus on jerseys schools and unfortunate that are out of jobs
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:33:14 +0000

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