LEGISLATION: THE AXION AND CATALYST OF DEMOCRACY. The 21st century democracy pivots on true and thorough representation. The voices of these Nations are captured through representation. This is why a good representative should not only have a proper feedback mechanism but must have an exceptional listening ear and a synthetic mindset. He/she must also be exceptionally visionary and realistically idealistic. An analysis of the portfolios of the different arms of government has it that legislation is not only the fulcrum of democracy but also the altar of proper governance. It take a proper legislative arm of government to make for a good executive. If otherwise, the obtainable will be chaotic and anarchious lawless executive. It follows that a failed legislator is a catastrophic loss whereas an excelled legislator remains a collosus, an egghead, an epitome of governmental dexterity, competence and performance. Sequel to this, may the Heavens grant that legislation remains true to its onus; that the executive remains subservant to the provisions of legislation, that legislation be the mould of the executive henceforth, that the most excelled legislator- Rt. Hon. Chukwuemeka Ihediohamma becomes the next executive in Douglas house come 2015 as governance is not for charlatans but seasoned technocrats.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:01:05 +0000

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