LEND ME THE NIGHT Ive been a fairly experienced astral traveler - TopicsExpress


LEND ME THE NIGHT Ive been a fairly experienced astral traveler throughout the years. I dont doubt that theres been other people whore better at it, but Ive had some very intense experiences. A lot of the time during these excursions (I put excursions in scare quotes because I know Im not really going anywhere - My astral senses tune into that frequency-band, and this perception shift achieves that same sense of travel), similar traits are evidenced: a moon-bounce effect with My legs where each step sees Me arcing high into the air of the scene or even outright flight, a sense of shapeshifting, an occasional shift in the time-tense of where/when Id tuned Myself to (meaning going backward, forward or sideways in time/space, as in the sidereal or alternative Universe dimensions) and a raucous, unbridled joy due to feeling uncaged. Earlier this morning, I had an OBE that bore all those traits, though there was an added trait that I havent experienced before. A few nights ago before sleep, I read in a news feed online about how to achieve more potent OBEs through different visualization methods, one of them involving imagining Myself climbing up a long rope into higher planes. Out of all the methods presented, I seemed to resonate with that one the best, although the others listed seemed credible, too. I focused on this method as I went to sleep after turning My laptop off, but to My recall the next morning, had no conscious memory of attaining this visualization. I mightve, but I just didnt remember it where I usually remember them all. It took Me a day, apparently, to let that imagining soak in, for last night I DID use the rope method to pull Myself up. And BOY! Did I get up there!! I hadnt consciously focused on the rope method while drifting off to sleep - there were other things My mind was locking in on. But as in dreaming, I woke into the action, already having seemingly done the climb and was at the top of the rope (or at least as far as My visualization took Me for that moment). The view was one of breathtaking & cosmic awe!! I was at a point so high in our Earths atmosphere that I realized I was at the vibrational crossroads where sky meets space. I could look down and see the most amazing cloud formations miles below My feet, giant swirling air systems that bore a creamsicle-colored orange cast with hints of a pale azure streaking in their formations, yet I could glance up and see the exact frequency exchange where sky blue shifts into the nighted black of space itself. Stars held their loci above Me while our planet carried on its business. I would tell you that the world we live on is round but, despite the fact that Ive sort of chuckled at some of the flat Earth theorists over the years, I can now say with some personal veracity that I didnt see the curve of a globe anywhere. I DIDNT SEE A ROUND PLANET AT ALL! Not oblate, not even slightly pear-shaped as some scientists are starting to speculate. Nothing even close to that. All I could see was the upper atmosphere giving way to intergalactic star-kingdoms all around us, however they are around us. When glancing down at the world below Me, I noticed the rope from the visualization in My hand. It resembled more a snaking black length of some fantastic cable that meandered down, down, down, disappearing in the swirl below, the dag-end of the cable palmed in My hand. I felt its texture as barely present, although I knew it was unbreakable. This was NOT the silver cord you hear other astral travelers discuss. I will tell you flat out that this silver cord image is a symbolism and not a real contrivance for the journey because there is NO journey - again, the persons astral senses tune into that astral frequency-band like a radio picks up a broadcast signal and it is this perception shift that simulates traveling. In all the years that Ive had OBEs, Ive never once seen the silver cord. Not once, and Ive done this countless times now. Obviously, Im not doing it differently then anybody else. Im not somehow untethered and then swinging back into My own body as a discarnate entity. No, it happens the same for everyone. If someone tells you they are glancing around while on that astral plane and have seen their personal silver cord, I would tell you its a safe bet theyre kind of fibbing about the experience. Seriously. Just as its been supposed that we need magickal tools and circles drawn with special chalk at certain times of the day or night in order to make a spirit manifest before us for whatever our sorcerous reason is, we are now starting to see that all of that outre conditioning was taking away from our internal fortification. A real magickian doesnt need all the trappings - the powers in us. Theyre good for beginners or those who lack in willpower, but someone who knows what theyre doing can achieve rapport with the Powers at any time of day or night without danger to themselves or the people/objects around them. Yes, therere entities who have Offices called Hours, Mansions, Dignities, Decans (the title of the entity being the same as Their Office), but the Offices, the spirit-government that dispenses entities to Their holo-habitats, is a different subject entirely and not one Ill address now. The silver cord is a symbolism in place to give the experiencer an assurance as to their personal safety. Again, we dont go anywhere - we technically bring it all to us. Its a morbid curiosity that insists on fantasies about having your cord break and being lost to the Void. We are our souls. We are our layers. There is nothing that can separate us from ourselves, no matter what some ancient tome said that one time. I have found after long, long years of exceptionally deep, hardcore occult study that, yes, therere many secret things the ancients knew that are, if not lost to the 4th dimension, then hoarded by the Mystery Shuls. But theres also quite a number of things they didnt know, and some of the things they didnt know and made educated guesses about to the best of their cognitive abilities given the time-tense they were in are stunningly incorrect. I mean, some real blunders. Im not holding anyones feet to the fire per se, but I will call bullshit if something stinks. So Id actualized Myself into this vision-state between sky & space and was just marveling at the panorama of it all, looking behind Me and all around Me. It was breathtaking, the vistas available to My astral sight. I felt safe at the top of this amazing rope. Nothing about the experience gave Me any fright. It was exuberant! Now, if you ask whether I felt like taking My hand off of the rope, the thought hadnt occurred to Me, but at the same time, I consciously wouldve said Hell no! just for the dizzying height of it. No movie or visual representation has ever captured what is astral travel - not even close. This Matrix Memoriae, this Womb of Memories we live in, is a superb holographic construction: a magnificent example of artistic beatitude applied through a 4D application into an endeavor that is nothing short of world-making. We are truly some wonderful Creators. While at the top of this rope, the insight began to manifest in My mind that I could use that thick thread to swing Myself anywhere, any time. The time aspect started to really become intriguing and different time/space coordinates shifted into My astral head, rifling through and demanding inspection. I eventually settled on coordinates as close as the 1950s. I couldnt tell you a conscious reason for picking that decade. Every thought was zinging through My mind at a million miles per hour. One aspect of this time-tense shifting was that I could vibrationally adopt any age I wanted as a part of the shift. In that subtle state, it is possible to take on any form one wishes. The Powers shapeshift by plucking images from the experiencers mind, essentially using said mind(s) to make the witness change the shape of the deity for Them. For us humans (the 3D aspects of the Powers Themselves), we can shift our own shapes. I dont pretend to know the why or how of it. I only know its the rule. I somehow settled on a younger version of My present incarnation and adopted a form that saw Me as the Me from My younger 20s and began imagining a time & place to go to while hovering atop this fantastic black rope. I figured Id start small; dip My toes in the astral waters, so to speak. I visualized the very road I live on but as it was in the 50s. Ive never seen pictures of that road before from that time, yet I instantly found Myself there. An OBE finds one moving about by the speed of thought and its an instantaneous shifting, dimensionally. There was nothing dizzying about the plunge from the upper airs of our planet down to the ground - that would be a symptom of physicality and this was all spirit. I propelled Myself forward from a sudden standing position and could feel My feet walking on the makeshift road, every step registering as though a physical step. Alive with an awfully thick mist, I could see the environment around Me as real as I see it when Im outside now. I could smell the fog permeating the fields around the bare strip of road that it was back then. I could hear sounds of nature: wind, rustling of animals. All My astral senses were hyper in their yield. There are only houses on one side at My part of this road in My original time-tense and none of them were present in the vision-state. It was an old dirt lane at the beginning of being made into a concrete road, something for horse & buggy traffic. Nothing paved, as far as I could tell in the near-smothering fog. The time-tense of the scene was very apparent, as well. It was definitely a different vibrational wavelength than I was used to, since being born in the 70s. Just as someone whos now 41 in this current incarnation, I can attest, in hindsight, to the 70s feeling vibrationally different than the 80s, the 80s feeling different than the 90s, the 90s feeling different than the early 2000s, and so forth up to the time-tense now. You hear people remark on that time-tense shifting all the time, though they may not term it as such or even know such a thing exists: Boy, the summer nights back when I was a kid sure were different. They were somehow longer, I thought! The whole year seemed to last longer, too, now that I think of it? Hows time speeding up? Its not time speeding up as the thought is normally formed in a persons mind. Its the time-tense shifting into a different vibrational framework thats the culprit. Our limited 3D human perception just sees it as a speeding up. As I ambled listlessly down the road, I heard My alarm chiming from My cell phone and, for a brief second, I glanced back through the fog and saw My house as it stands now on this 1950s backroad. The time-tense of the astral pocket I was in was shifting again, to bring Me back to where I was from. At the alarms prompting, I felt Myself walking back to the houses property at the speed of thought. I wasnt walking but was being pulled towards the house in a semblance of very fast walking, one step equaling several feet, and I accomplished the distance in mere strides. As I got to the structure of the house itself, I felt no resistance merging through the walls and seemingly slipping into My sleeping body. It seemed as if the walls didnt just part for My entrance but completely dematerialized at My presence entering through them, no different then cutting through the thick fog outside the house. Finally awake, I glanced confusedly at the room for half a second before groggily tapping the screen on My phone and swiping the alarm icon to the left for off. 5:30am?? Why is morning always so early? I swung My legs off the bed and sat there in the dark for a minute that seemed a lot longer than 60 seconds. I was still adjusting to the change in time-tense. Id just been up to the lip of space, thrown Myself down to the ground and shifted back several decades as well as personal years of growth all with in the span of what shouldve been a linear 4 hours (I finally hit the hay the night before around 1am), though by all definitions, the endeavor occupied a timeless moment. In that astral frequency-band, things like time & space are irrelevant. For the next several hours after the experience, quite a few synchronicities made themselves manifest: a cluster of 22s appearing everywhere I look, for one (22 being a Master Builder number and allowing the person witnessing it to shape their outer reality to mimic their inner environment, which was exactly what Id just done). On the bus to get on with My day, I put My ear buds in and listened to recorded copies of some old songs Id sang at several gigs over the years, one of them being The Heat Of The Monemt from Asia, a good version from that particular show but not a song I normally listen to even though I like the track. While shopping at Wal-Mart for My days food, what do I hear over the store intercom but The Heat Of The Moment. Apparently, because played less than 2 hours later (120 minutes, really), theres something in the lyrics that is for My personal benefit, as that song is not normally on their store rotation because not a modern track and, while a great classic rock hit, not as popular as other songs, classic rock or no. Then, while typing up this very post, a friend of Mine hits Me up in the pm box here on Facebook to ask Me what OBE stands for, literally right as I was typing the initials OBE for a section earlier in this post. I mean, it was perfectly timed, a stunning choreography. We couldnt have forced the situation if wed tried. When having such a saturated astral moment as Id had, any magickal experience, these types of synchronicities are very common by-products of the energies being manipulated, especially happening in clusters as they do. This is the way the Powers let us know were on the right track, that things are going as planned. These types of omens act as milestones - its the way They clue us in to the notion and stark reality of Oneness, of our lives as subjectivities in an objective Multiverse.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:23:44 +0000

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